Chapter 13

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"I'm what?" I asked.

"Yeah, dude, you're trending. How do you know so many famous people?" Corey asked.
"Oh, Jesus. From my work," I said. "What awful things are they saying about me?"

"Nah, dude. It's the other way around. There's, like, nothing negative. It's wild," said Jake.

"Really?" asked Colby, sitting up.

"Yeah, man. Pretty unusual," said Sam.

"Hm," Colby said, leaning back again. "I guess I can't complain about that," he said.

I looked over to Sam.

"For a new Sam and Colby series?" I asked.

"Yes, ma'am," Sam said.

"What are you going to call it? The asylum?" I asked.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Corey screamed, jumping up.

"Okay, I'll take that as another yes, but come on, dude. They're named 'The Castle' and 'The Witch's Forest'. What else would you name a series about Taunton? 'The State Hospital'?" I asked.

"Okay, yeah. Maybe that's not as weird. But still," Corey said, pointing a finger at me.

"Hey, if I'm creeping you out or giving you bad vibes, I can leave. I know this is you guys' thing and you probably don't usually talk about it in front of other people, especially before you even go," I said.

"Correcto," said Jake. I looked over to see Colby pull his phone out, but he was slouched down and too far leaned back for me to see his screen.

"So, are you sneaking in? It's not open to the public, is it?" I asked.

"Luckily enough, I called the security company and they'd heard of our channel, so they let us rent it out for three nights," Sam said.

"Sick," I said. Sam's phone chimed and he dug it out of his pocket.

"Sure is, brother," Jake said. I saw Sam stare at Colby, his eyebrows raised.

"Really?" he asked. Colby shrugged and nodded. "But that's such short notice," Sam said.

"Are you suggesting that you couldn't pull that off? You, of all people?" asked Colby.

"Well, yeah, I could figure something out. But, like, you're serious?" asked Sam.

"Read it again. There's something in it for you, too," said Colby.

"Isn't that, like, kind of a dick move, though?" asked Sam.

"I don't really think it'll be a problem. Seems pretty chill with things to me," Colby said.

"How do you know that's even their kind of thing?" asked Sam.

"Okay, you can tell us, now," Corey said, who had been moving his head back and forth to watch Sam and Colby's interaction.

"You're sure?" asked Sam. "Like, really sure?"

"Oh, for the love of god. Nessa, you want to come with us?" asked Colby. My heart skipped a beat.

"What? Me? Why?" I asked.

"See? Now the answer is going to sound really rude," said Sam.

"Again, that's just my compromise for you guys. I don't care if we do it or not, but I know you're definitely not against it. I just want her to come either way," said Colby.

"Well I'm clearly not going to revoke the invitation," said Sam.

"Oh my god, what?" I asked.

"Wait, she'd be killer clickbait, dude. No offense. But people seem to like you a lot. Especially with Colby," said Jake, wiggling his eyebrows when he said the last part.

"What, just be in the thumbnail for the video with you guys? Sure, I'd love to," I said.

"See?" said Colby.

"Oh," I laughed. "Was that the reason?"

"Yeah," said Sam.

"Not the only reason, though. That was just something that they could get out of it. Plus, you're probably the smartest one in this room, which wouldn't exactly be a downside," said Colby. "The other reason is because, well, in the words of Jake, you're pretty snazzy," Colby said. I smiled. Colby just wanted to spend time with me, and was willing to bring me across the country and interrupt his usual gig just to do so.

"Don't you have work, though?" asked Corey. "Not that I don't want you to come, I just don't want you to get in trouble or anything."

"Well, what days were you wanting to go?" I asked, looking back at Sam.

"Oh. Um. Next Saturday. Which is very late notice," said Sam.

"We'd get back on a Tuesday?" I asked.

"Yeah," said Sam.

"Works for me. I only work Wednesday through Friday," I said.

"Seriously?" said Sam, his face lighting up.

"Yeah, seriously. I'll come with you guys if you want me to," I said.

"Of course we want you to," said Colby excitedly.

"Well I know you want me to. But this isn't just your thing. There's four of you," I pointed out.

"I don't have an issue with it," said Jake.

"It's another person that could get possessed instead of me, so let's bring her," said Corey.

"Very sweet," I said, laughing.

"Well that settles it, then. We leave next Saturday," said Sam.

"How much?" I asked.

"What, how much will it cost? No, you're not allowed to pay for anything," Sam said.

"Are you sure? I really don't mind at all," I said. A flight across the country and back couldn't be cheap, but if they didn't want to pay, I certainly would.

"No, we've got it. I promise you're all good," said Sam.

"Wow. Okay, cool," I said.

"Very cool," said Colby, standing up. He walked over to the kitchen and I heard him open the fridge.

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