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"We welcome all communications with any spirits here," we all said in unison. We were all quiet for a moment before Sam continued.

"If there are any spirits or beings here, we do not mean you harm in any way. We are not trying to intrude, we would just like to talk if you are willing," Sam said. We all heard the quiet static noise of the Emf meter.

"It went to yellow!" Corey exclaimed, staring down at the reader in front of him and Jake. We sat still for another minute, waiting for something more.

"If there is anyone here, please make yourself known. Make a noise, flicker the candles, ripple the water, or light up this device," Sam said.

"If you need any extra energy, you can take it from our cameras, our phones upstairs, our flashlights," Colby said. The second Colby finished saying flashlights, the one sitting in between Colby and I flickered. I flinched in fear when it happened, staring down at the light that was clearly turned off.

"Is that—," Jake started.

"Yeah, it's off. It's been off," I said, staring at him wide-eyed.

"What the," Sam muttered. I let go of Colby's hand and picked up the flashlight. I flicked the switch to 'on', but it didn't turn on. I moved the switch back and forth several times, but it wouldn't light up or even flicker again.

"Corey, can I have some batteries?" I asked. I screwed the end of the flashlight off and took out the batteries, which looked perfectly fine. Corey handed me a couple and I got to work putting them in.

"Sam, when did you put those last batteries in there?" asked Colby.

"Like, not even three days ago. Right before we left for the airport," Sam said. I screwed the top back on and flicked the switch, which made the flashlight turn on in a perfectly normal fashion.

"Weird," Jake said. I set it back down and the reader immediately spiked to red.

"Dude!" Corey yelled, pointing at it. "It went all the way!"

"That's probably just because of the batteries," Jake said.

"Can I talk about that for a second actually? I know that a lot of people are confused on how a wave-reading device is supposed to detect entities and spirits," I said.

"Yeah, of course," Sam said, pointing the camera at me.

"Okay, so there's this theory that the conscious mind has an electromagnetic field. The field doesn't disappear or cease to exist when we die. The way the brain works is by sending electrical impulses along different nerves, which is sort of like a basic current system. That's like, a super simplified way of explaining it. If that theory is true, then all living things would set it off, right? But we're not what's making it spike. So my personal theory here is that it's the absence of those electrical impulses that's setting it off. Like, those impulses may still be there, but the reason they manipulate the device while ours don't might be because the impulses aren't physically present. Like, the Emf meter is presented with a sort of conflict because there's no tangible or solid force to sense it from. That would explain why it's so finnicky when it does work, but whether it lights up for a second or lights up for a long time doesn't make what happens any less credible," I said. They all nodded except Jake.

"What," Jake said. I laughed.

"Do any of you have any idea what I just said?" I asked.

"Yeah, I got it," Sam said.

"Brain that's not there makes K2 angry," said Corey.

Sam and Colby: The AsylumWhere stories live. Discover now