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"Get out."

"What?" I asked, turning to Sam.

"Out where?" Sam asked, looking at Jake.

"Which one of you said that?" asked Corey.

"Did you not?" asked Colby.

"Y—none of you said that?" asked Sam.

"You guys all heard that, too, right?" asked Colby.

"Yes, I heard it. No, I didn't say it," I said.

"Ditto," said Corey.

"I'm with her," said Jake.

Sam and Colby looked at each other.

"What? You guys don't usually hear weird noises like this?" I asked. I was freaked the hell out, but seeing them be equally freaked out scared me even more.

"No, we do. Or... well, sort of. Not like this," said Sam.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Not clearly audible complete phrases that we all hear and agree on," said Colby.

"I thought Sam said it," I said.

"I thought it was Jake," said Sam.

"I thought it was Nessa," said Jake.

"I thought it was Sam, too," said Colby.

"I thought it was Colby," said Corey.

"Call the fucking sheriff," I said. My hand shot out and grabbed Colby's. "Now."

"Yeah, okay. The paper with his number is in the room," Sam said. He walked back down the hall and into the room, the door shutting behind him.

"Sam, bro, don't close that shit," Jake said.

"Guys?" Sam said from the other side. Colby dropped my hand and ran over to the door and jiggled the handle, which wouldn't budge.

"Sam! Tell me you're fucking with us right now," Colby said.

"No, I'm not. Why did you close it?" Sam called, his voice muffled by the wood.

"We didn't fucking close it, you saw us all standing at least five feet away," Corey said.

"Let me try," I said softly to Colby. He let go of the handle and I squatted down to try and pick the lock. Except there wasn't a lock. The other rooms had doors that locked from the outside, for the patients, but this room hadn't been used to hold patients.

"There's not even a lock on this damn thing," Sam said.

"I see that," I said.

"You're alone in there, right? Nothing else is with you?" Colby yelled.

"Uh," Sam said. I heard his feet shuffle on the other side of the door. "No, I don't see anything."

"Call the sheriff. What was his name? Bell? Call Sheriff Bell," said Colby. I was thankful that we'd left our phones in the room.

"There's no service," Sam said.

"Bruh," said Jake.

"Dude, I just got chills," said Corey.

"You're literally joking. I had service. What kind of bullshit cliché horror movie shit are you on right now?" I said.

Sam and Colby: The AsylumWhere stories live. Discover now