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"That was your plan!?" he yelled through the headset

"Yeah! Up until those stupid TIE fighters showed up!" I yelled back

"You know how to work the guns right?!" he asked

"Yeah, just point and shoot, right?" I asked, a wide smile on my face as I knew he was worried

"We're gonna die" he said

"Oh come on, it's not that-" I started to say, but was cut off by shots, "Shit!"

I saw four TIE fighters on our tail, and shot at them. I continued to shoot at them, until I heard Kythos curse through the headset.

"There's a Star Destroyer ahead of us" he said

"Can this escape get any worse" I muttered

I shot down three of the four TIE fighters and was aiming at the fourth. Just as was about to pull the trigger, I felt mine and Kylo's bond grow stronger.

Please no, not right now I thought

"Kythos, I'm heading up to the cockpit" I said

"What about-" he started to say, but I shot it down without hesitation, "Nevermind"

I chuckled and took off the headset, putting it up, then climbing up the ladder, to the ships hallway.

I then ran to to cockpit and sat in the co-pilots seat.

"Holy shit" Kythos said, "It's been a while since I've been in a Nubian craft, what's the situation with the lightspeed" he asked

I looked at the hyperfuel gauge and noticed that we only had enough for one jump.

"Where's the nearest planet that has hyperfuel" I asked

"Coruscant" he said

"Great" I said, I looked at him, "Hit it"

"Are you sure?" he asked, "I mean, it's the First Order, they'd catch on to us"

"Would you rather be arrested by the First Order?" I asked

He looked at the Star Destroyer, then at me, he sighed, "Fine" he said, "What will our cover story be?" he asked

"I've got it covered" I said

"Alright, starting up lightspeed" he said, within seconds it was ready, "Ready"

I took one last look at the Star Destroyer.

I'm sorry, Kylo I thought

"Punch it" I said

Soon, the only thing I could see was blue around us. I sat back in the seat and let out a heavy sigh.

"That was one hell of an escape" Kythos said, breaking the silence

"Indeed it was" I chuckled, "How long until we get to Coruscant?"

"About two hours" he said

"Great, two hours of boredom" I said, "Let's take shifts, I'll take first shift"

"Are you sure?" he asked, "I can take first shift?"

I nodded, "Yeah I'm sure. The bedroom is-"

"I remember where it is, we used to play around in the ship" he said

I chuckled, "That's right. I completely forgot" I said, "I'll wake you up in an hour"

"Alright, see you in an hour" he said

He squeezed my shoulder slightly and left. Leaving me to my lonesome and my thoughts.

About thirty minutes in, I started to get a transmission from Naboo, without hesitation, I answered it.

Her Fate {The Predestiny Saga}Where stories live. Discover now