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"Princess Padmé Sitari" Senator Anglethorn said and bowed, "What an honour to see you again"

"Senator Anglethorn" I said with a small smile on my face, "Its been what, two years?"

He smiled back, "This is Chancellor Veila"

"Princess Sitari, it's a pleasure to finally meet you" Chancellor Veila said

"A pleasure it is indeed" I smiled, "I am honestly happy to see a female Chancellor" I added

She smiled and nodded, "Thank you"

"Princess, this is Jedi Knight Zak Arranda, and his Padawan Dal Konur" the senator said

Arranda, why does that name sound familiar?

"Princess" Arranda said and bowed, as did his Padawan

"Master Arranda" I said as I bowed as well

"You're a Jedi?" Arranda's Padawan openly asked, he looked like he was at least fifteen or sixteen

"My young Padawan apprentice" Arranda scolded him, "Remember your training"

"I apologize, Master" Konur apologized, he bowed to me, "I apologize, princess"

I chuckled, "It's fine, not many people know, we've tried to keep it a secret, but because I'm here on Coruscant, I thought it would be time that I let that secret out" I said, he looked at me, "Besides, I'm pretty sure that the Council knew of my arrival before we landed"

"Who is this?" Anglethorn asked as he looked at Kythos

"This is my personal guard, Kythos Mandora" I said, "And my droid, S7H-0, but I just call him Shilo"

"Senator" Kythos bowed

Shilo beeped happily.

"Shall we discuss the nature of your visit, in your temporary suite?" Anglethorn asked

I nodded, "Of course" I said

We walked to the transport speeder, Kythos helped me get onto it, once he did, everyone got in and buckled up.

On the way to our apartment suite, Arranda stated that he and his Padawan are to accompany us as protection, just as a precaution.

"I appreciate the Council's thought regarding our safety, but I can assure you that my guard and I can handle ourselves" I said

"Our presance will be invisible M'Lady" Arranda said

I nodded, "Thank you"

"If you don't mind me asking, if you're a Jedi, where's your lightsaber?" Konur asked

Arranda sent a glare at him, I lifted my hand as if saying it was okay.

"Well-" I started, I pulled my saber out of my pocket, "It's right here. I made it when Master Skywalker still had his Academy"

"You we're taught by Luke Skywalker?!" he exclaimed, he was clearly shocked and surprised, both in good ways

"Indeed I was, best Master I've ever had" I smiled

"So you were there when his academy was ambushed by the Sith?" he asked

I froze, remembering that day like it was yesterday.

I was awoken from my slumber, someone was softly shaking me awake.

My eyes slowly opened and I turned on my back, looking up.

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