[ Chapter 10 ]

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*play song*

Y/n's pov.  

I take deep breaths as I walk back and forth in front of the notice board. Tears stream down my face and I wipe them with the palm of my hand since my hand is still stained in blood.

" Y/n "

I turn to my right to see the door open and see Vylad.

" So everyone is just gonna start following me everywhere I go now? " I asked as more tears stream down my cheeks.

He shuts the door as his eyes averted to the board behind me.

" Calm down first " he said.

" I can't " I said, he approaches.

" Your gonna make it worse if you don't " he said.

" Joanna has an evidence that can lead to anything that could find Cole, and guess what?, She got killed " I said.

" You need to calm down " he said.

" I'm. . . . . " I try to think a word.

" Frustrated " he said.

" I don't have them for this " I said as I turn back around to the notice board.

" I think you should take a rest " he said.

" I have questions that I still need to solve " I start hyperventilating.

" Like what? " He asked.

I turn around to him.

" Someone shot her and whoever that is desperately didn't want me to find Cole, does it rings a bell? " I asked as tears stream down my cheeks.

" You need to take a second to breathe " he said.

I try but couldn't.

" I just wanna find my brother " I burst out crying and he place his hands on my shoulders.

" Calm down "

I just cry as he caress my back.

" I don't wanna think about the worse, but I can't help it, I just miss him " I cried.

" I don't know what to say " he said.

" Then why are you here?!, Get out!, Leave me alone!" I shout.

He grips both my arm.

" Let's go wash your hands first " he said.

I shook my head as I bite my bottom lips to silence my weep.

" We'll talk about this one by one and ease your mind " he said and drag me away to the kitchen.

~ Time Skip ~ 

" I can do this alone " I said as Vylad continues to read the file.

" Every person that has a lead was killed before you get any information that could get you to Cole " he said.

" Basically " I said.

" Have you tried to look for this person? " He asked.

" Tried, it was pointless, he's skilled and won't let me find Cole, we tried that one time that I find another one while Garroth and Ash try to catch him, failed and Ash almost died, he was in surgery for an hour, ended in a coma for a week, and stayed in the hospital for two months, almost lost his life " I said.

" I see " he said.

He turn to his right which is my left.

" Who's that? " I turn and see a picture of me and a guy with blond hair and light blue eyes.

How It Ends【Vylad X Reader】[ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now