[ Chapter 12 ]

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*play song*

Y/n's pov.  

" Don't play your phone, get some rest " I said as I take off my jacket and hang it on the stand.

" Whatever " Gemma walks into her room.

Loki then jumps on me and I pet his head, I see his bowl is empty. I walk to the kitchen and grab the box of dog food, I head to his bowl and pour it as he starts eating it. I put back the box of food in the cabinet and wash my hands.

I dry them when the doorbell rings, I put down the rag and head to the door, I open it and see Vylad.

" Oh, rapist three " I said.

" Still? " he asked.

" What do you want? " I asked.

" Nia told me what you did " he said.

" And she sent you to defend her? " I asked.

" No, I came here to ask you why did you do it? " He asked.

" She deserved it " I said.

" I don't know anything but. . . .you can't do that, it's an attempted murder " he said.

" You can't blame me, it's their fault Cole went missing in the first place, you weren't there, so don't get involve " I said as I was about to shut the door, he holds it open.

" How's Gemma? " He asked.

" She's fine " I said.

I wince when my head suddenly had a throbbing pain.

" Whoa, you alright? " He asked.

" I'm fine " I gritted my teeth.

" You just winced " he said.

" I'm having a migraine right now, so if you would, leave or make yourself something, I just want sleep " I turn around and walk to the living room as I hear him shutting the door.

I fall backwards on the couch, I lie my head on the cushion as I massage my head. I know he's in the kitchen cause I hear glass clinking.

" Here " I open my eyes to see Vylad approaching with a cup of water with aspirin in it.

I look up at him.

" It'll help " he said.

I sit up and take it, I drink it until it's finish and it's so bitter, I cover my mouth trying not to puke and swallow it. I cough, I pass it back to him.

I sigh and lean back.

" Hey, your nose " he said.

I place the tip of my finger on my nose to see it's bleeding.

" Damn it " I stood up and walk to the kitchen.

I turn on the faucet and wash the blood off. It doesn't stop as I try to wipe it off with a rag. Vylad approaches.

" Are you okay? " He asked.

I nodded.

" I'm fine " I said as blood continues to flow.

" Your not " he place his hand on my shoulder, I turn to him.

" I don't need your help " I politely push his hand off.

" You do " he grabs the rag.

" I can do it myself " I take it back and walk away.

" Hey " he grabs my shoulder too hard.

How It Ends【Vylad X Reader】[ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now