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I leaned on the window of the classroom while listening to my teacher, I looked around the bored class." Can someone go and get the television?" The teacher asked

" Devon!" She said and looked at me, I Sighed and stood up from my chair. She gave me the key I smiled and walked out the door

While walking in the hallway I saw-her- her hair flowy and her cheeks all red, why are they red?!

" are you okay?"I asked her and looked at her worryingly " she looked up and her eyes were red with tears running down" n-no," she said and shook her head, I touched her arm" what uh what happened? I asked" just my fucking racist best friend," she said and bit her lip from sobbing

" it's okay, what did she say?" I asked she looked up at me and looked scared" she uh,she-" " it's okay you don't have to tell me, it's alright," I said she pulled in and hugged me, while hugging she hug me a little tighter which made my heart throb" uhm I-I have to go, class," I said and pulled out of the hug" bye," she said " bye,"

Damn how long can it take for Devon to get that TV?" Where is that television?" Our teacher asked with her hand on her hip" I can go and check!" I said and stood up" sure," she said and opened the door, I walked out and walked to the tv lap" girl," I said and saw Devon trying to push the tv out" help," she said and smiled

I rolled my eyes and helped her out" why did you take forever?" I asked she looked at the ground" uhm I forgot where it was, summer brain," she said and pointed at her head," sure," I said and opened the door to the class room

" so how's the 'Za mission' goin?" Eliot asked while eating a bag of chips"uh it's really not a 'mission' but it's steady but I gotta speed it up," I said sighed" why? Do you even like her or do you just what to be with someone who's black?" Eliot asked" what?!"

" like black pus-" "no! Not everything's about that!" I spat" whoa clam down Brandon," he said with his hand up" I just like her," I said and scratched my neck" she's really nice," I said" yeah she's 'nice' " he said and made air quotes" she is!" I said while chuckling" just don't fall to hard," El said and ate his chips" yeah yeah I won't,"

" Von?" I asked and looked at her" yeah" she asked while looking at cheerleaders practicing on the lawn" do you want to be a cheerleader?" I asked and laughed slightly" maybe, but I want to make music," she said and smiled" what happened to becoming a nurse?" I asked

" I don't know, I made a song-while lyrics," she said" are they good?" I asked curiously " yeah I think so, I'm still working on lit though," she said " good, tell me when they are done," I said and placed my arm around her shoulder

" so Brandon?" She asked "what about him?" I said and rolled my arms" have you talked to him?!" She asked existed" no,no I haven't. But I'll do the second I see him," I said and played with the grass" good, cause' he's here," she said and smiled" WHAT?!!" I almost screamed" where!?" I questioned" right there," she said and pointed at him and Eliot walking towards us" I can't!" I said and stood up" tell them I had to pee!" I said. And ran

" WHAT!?" I heard Devon yelling, opened the doors to the bathroom and stood there, I was about talk into a stall until the doors opened and I saw daisy and two white girls from the cheer squad

I tried to walk into a stall but one girl placed her arm at the door" can I get in?" I asked" ah no," she said and smiled" why?" I asked and folded my arms together" because we have an 'issue' to address," she said and smiled

I swear that smiled was sent right front the devil" and what's that 'issue' we have?"
I asked and sighed" brandy," she said" who?"

" Jesus BRANDON! Can't you speak American?" She asked, this bitch" no because American is not an language, English is," I said

" whatever, stay away from him," she said" why? Your not my daddy, your just a pathetic white girl," I said and smiled" bitch, I'll say this once.STAY..AWAY..FROM..BRANDY," she said" no," I said and stood my ground" no?" She laughed

One of the white girls slapped me and the other punched me in the stomach" what the fuck!" I said and while coughing,she did it once more and I started coughing blood" what the hell" I said and looked at my bloody hands" ew this is Chanel,don't you dare cough you black blood on this," she said and they all left, I began to cough more blood up

" help!" I shouted while crying" help me!" I shouted but more blood cams out" fuck!"

While walking in the hallway with Eliot we heard someone call for help" did you hear that?" I asked" yeah," we both stopped and looked at the girls bathroom we looked at each other and I opened the door

When we walked in it looked like a crime scene" god what happened!?" I asked and hurried over to Za, she was passed out" ELIOT CALL FOR AN AMBULANCE!" I shouted while lifting Za'Niyah from the ground" it's going to be okay," I said and kissed her forehead

I lifted her outside the bathroom, I began to run everybody in the hallway gasped. I ran outside and saw the ambulance driving" what the hell happened?!!" Eliot asked" I don't know," I said and my voice cracked," whoever did this are dead meat," Eliot said

The ambulance cane and took a stretcher out" what happened?" They asked and laid her on it" I-I don't know I found her like this!" I said" sure you did," the guy said and rolled her in the ambulance

They were about to close the door but Devon ran up to us" who's that?!" She asked" Za'" I said she looked at me in horror" I gotta get in!!" She shouted at the EMT's " we need to get her to the hospital, her pulse is weak, get in" he said and Devon walked into the ambulance

They drove away

" what happened to you homegirl?" I said while crying, I caressed her hair" who are you to her," a woman asked me" I'm her bestie," I said and sniffed,"call her parents," the guy said

I immediately gushed my phone out of my handbag and dialed Jacqueline number "he-"

" get to the hospital now, Za she-I don't know but you need to get down there!" I said and sobbed at the end" wh-what happened?!" Her mom asked" I don't know! They haven't told  me anything yet, we're in the ambulance," I cried

" I-I'm on my way!" She cried into the phone and hung up," Jesus!" I sobbed

" I'm losing the pulse!"

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