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"Do you regret what you did?"

" yes,"

" if you ever got the chance,would you do it again?"

" ......definitely not,"
" okay! Class you'll take this test," my teacher said and handed out paperwork," and you'll not cheat, or you'll get a D- on the spot," Mrs. Javas said and gave me the worksheet

" you have an hour and forty five minutes, begin," she she said and started the stopwatch

I looked at my worksheet and didn't under stand jack, I looked to my right and saw Za'Niyah working threw it

She glanced at me and I saw a glimmer in her eyes, she smiled and turned back to her work

"Five x one hundred...." I mumbled while writing it on a side paper

I looked up and saw Za'Niyah handing me a piece of paper

I read the paper ' do you need help?'

I shook my head, I was trying to focus on the worksheet but I couldn't

I looked over at Brandon who was really trying to focus, I felt bad, I'm not the type of person who cheat but I couldn't just watch him like that

I handed him a piece of paper were the answers were on

He took the paper and stuffed it into his pocket, I studied his face and it was tense

"Forty minutes left,"

I quickly did the last assignment, I stood up and walked up to the teacher and gave her my worksheet. I smiled to her and she just rolled her eyes

I shifted and walked back and sat down, I looked over at Brandon and he was on page fifth-teen and there was twenty, I glanced over to my other side and saw Ophelia sleeping

She's probably been finished for a while now," uhm Mrs. Javas can I use the restroom?" I asked, she nodded and opened the door

While walking down the hallway I saw Devon talking to a guy, I looked at the ground and walked into that god forsaken hell hole they call a restroom

I still don't remember what happened that day, I've gotten some of my memories back from that day but not the big ones, like who almost killed me

My breathing began to quicken and I felt my hear hammering in my chest, I felt the sweat dripping down from my forehead

I leaned my hand on the wall to hold my balance," okay okay okay," I mumbled to myself

My legs felt like boiled spaghetti

I fell to the floor, the door opened and I looked up and saw Devon. She looked down on me," are you okay?!" She asked and crunched down to my level

I shook my head, I began do pull my legs up to my stomach," no no don't start that!" She said and tried to get my legs away from my stomach but I resisted

The door opened again and Ophelia walked in, she was about to open a stall," lia," I said and tried to control my breathing, Ophelia turned around and saw me

Horror filled her eyes,"ZA!" She gasped and ran over to me," w-what happened?!" She questioned," I-" I couldn't finish the sentence," come, I'll get you home," she said and took my arm over her shoulders

"It's going to be okay,okay?" I said and hold Za'Niyah up from falling to the ground

All eyes were on her, I tried to walk faster

When we got to my car I sat her down and clasped her seatbelt, I walked to the driver seat and sat down

I turned the car on and began to drive, I hurried down old dumffries street and to Za'Niyah's street

When I got there a lot of cars stood in the drive way and on the sidewalk, I ran op to the door and knocked hard on the door

A older guy opened the door," look I don't want any Girl Scout cookies-" "  what?look Za'Niyah is in the car I think she got a panic attack from the bathroom," I said fast

The guys face dropped to a serious look, he walked out of the house and straight to the car

" Za! What's happening to you?!" He asked her and opened the car door," I don't know," she said," the guy lifted her up,"wait WHO are you?" I asked while he walked back into the house," zain, Za'Niyah's big brother," he said short

Didn't know she had a big brother

Well a hot Big brother

I rushed in and saw that she laid on the couch," what are we gonna do?!" I asked him," there's nothing 'we' are gonna do, I'm going to call my mom. You can leave if you want to," he said and walked up the stairs

I rolled my eyes and looked down at Za, she laid on her back," Za," I hastened

After awhile I was finally done with this stupid ass test, do I even need this in the future?

I got up and walked out the door

While walking down the hallway I heard people whispering

" what happened?" I said and walked over to Taylor," uhm I don't know if I should tell you this," she said and looked at the floor," just tell me Tay," i said and adjusted my backpack

" Za'Niyah uh got a panic attack, she's probably at home. Ophelia I think went with her," she said and scratched her neck," what?! I-"

" don't go over there, I've talked to her and she just wants to be with her family and Ophelia," Taylor said and and made a face

" oh okay I'll just wait I guess," I said and walked away from her

It's not Taylor's fault, don't shoot the messenger
But I guessed after our date and all before that I could be there for her, but maybe I was wrong

I saw the guys, Quinn and Daisy. They laughed and joked around

When I got over to them I just sat down," what's up buddy?" Eliot asked,"uhh nothing much," I said and tried to act like something big didn't just happen

" oh okay, so tomorrow we're all are going home to me. I think we're going to watch a movie or something," Quinn said, she kept taking but I kinda spaced out

I looked over at the parking lot and saw her car was still here," do someone have Ophelia's number?" I asked out of the blue

" trying to score her too?" Freddie asked and laughed," uh um no, I just wanted to-"

" I have her number!" Quinn said," great! Can I get it?" I asked," um sure,"

Quinn gave me the number, I walked away from the group

I dialed the number in

" oh um who's this?"

" it's Brandon, I just wanted to say that Za'Niyah's car is still here,"

" oh okay, I'll get the keys. I'll meet you there with them,"


And she cut me off

After a while she drove into the parking lot," got the keys!" She said and threw them to me

I quickly caught them," see you at her house," Ophelia said and drove away again

I opened the car," where you going?" Daisy asked," uhm just getting Za'Niyahs car home," I said and sat down," okay goodie! I'll help!" She said with a clearly fake exited voice," uhh I don't think it would be a good idea Daisy," I said

" oh shit platter and baby chatter, I'll come with," she said

What a weird- it's daisy

" uh ah fine,"

I said and opened her door," oh! Thanks don't have anything else to do on a Thursday," she said and closed the door



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