Thirteen- BEFORE US

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I stepped out of the car,Brandon gave me a blindfold on and after that he took my hand and lead the way," you better not be out here trying to kill me," I said, he chuckled" no I'm not trying to kill, only trying to take your breath away," and with that he took the blindfold off

I stepped out of the car,Brandon gave me a blindfold on and after that he took my hand and lead the way," you better not be out here trying to kill me," I said, he chuckled" no I'm not trying to kill, only trying to take your breath away," and wit...

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She had her mouth open," you-" she stopped herself and kissed me," breath Za'Niyah ," I said hold her shoulder," argh calm down, it's just to Beautiful Brandon," she said and smiled, she walked a little further and looked at food

" who came with all of this?" She asked and looked up at me, "uh the boys," I said and scratch the back of my head, she nodded and sat down. Her top crawled a bit up," you have a belly ring?"

I looked up at him with questionable eyes, I tilted my head," you have a belly ring," he said

" oh yeah I got it last week," I said and looked at the small diamond ring," ain't it cute?" I asked him and smiled," uh yeah sure," he said and smiled," so what's in the basket?" I asked," uhm-" he said whilst He opened the basket

" ohhh god!" I said and took out a chocolate covered strawberry, "what-what happed?!" Brandon asked nervously, " these are my favorite," I said and showed him them," yeah Quinn said that girls love that stuff," he said and chuckled," well she's correct, because I love those with my heart," I said and placed my hand on my chest

" you're so dramatic," he said and laughed," and you love it," I said and dragged the word

We laughed a bit before he took out the brownies," and brownies?! You already know me," I said and laughed," yeah I still remember the day you almost recked my car," Brandon said," no no no, I was going to take a spot and you just kinda bebity bobity bo'ed you're ass into that spot and took it. And you pretend to be my boyfriend in front of my brother, you're a dead man," I said and laughed

" I'm sorry, I was an asshole and I shouldn't have said to you're brother I was you're boyfriend, I'm so sorry Za'Niyah" he apologized," Brandon-" I stopped myself and touched his hand," it's all good, uhm I've never admitted this before but all guys are scared of my brother, so they don't talk to me. So when you did you're thing, I uhm yeah," I said

I could feel I was about to blush," I'm not scared of him, I already liked you she second you flipped the bird to me," he laughed and so did I,"but in all seriousness, I really like you," I said and looked at my fingers," what?" He said playfully," I like you lover boy," I said," I like you a lot,cutie,"
He said and smiled

We talked about a lot, like he as three sisters,and that he really wanna become a football player.

He found out that I don't like mushrooms or onions, and that I have a famous big sister,

When the Night ended he was at my house and he followed me up the the doorstep" see you on Monday?" He asked and took a step further

" of course," I said and took a step a step further," you look beautiful," he whispered and touched my cheek, I closed my eyes and sighed," Devon hates me, because of you," I whispered and took a step back," what?!" He said and looked at me Weird

" we aren't friends anymore," I said and sighed," what happened?" He asked cluelessly ," you,"  I said," me!? What have I done?"

I said and took a step back," y-you argh!!! I don't know! I'm a mess!" She said and walked to the car," Za! Wait! Shit," he said and ran over to me," me?! What have I've done?" He asked," you made me like you, you're sweet and arghh! Just everything," I said and shook my head

" Za,calm down, you didn't make her leave okay?" I said and pulled her into a hug," but I did make her leave, I chose you over her, I'm so stupid," she said and pulled out if the hug and sat on the ground," I'm fucking stupid!" She shouted," no you're not, she made you choose, she made her choice, and you didn't make her leave. She did," I said and looked at her

" I-I don't know what to do, she was my best friend since forever, I don't know what happened to us," she said" you know what? Get up," I said and extend my arm so I could help her up," what?" She questioned," up, we're going for a ride," I said and opened the passenger door, I helped Za up, and closed the car door

" where we going?" I asked him while closing my seatbelt," just wait," he said and started the car up, he drove a bit far away until I saw a cinema

" really?" I asked and looked at him," yup," he said and parked the car,"wait," he said before I opened the car door, he hurried out and opened my car door," there you go cutie," he said and took my hand

He locked the car, we walked into the cinema with tangled hands," two tickets to footloose," he said, the guy in the both looked at me weird, he was about to say something but Brandon shut him out," tickets please," he said

The guy gave the tickets to him" thank you," I said and smiled, we walked over to a snack bar and bought two sodas and some popcorn," I'm still in a bad mood," I mumbled," yeah but just wait," he said and took some candy with us

We walked into the room and sat on the chair in the back," you're gonna love this movie," he said to me," I hope so," I said and placed my head on him shoulder, he kissed my head

While the movie was going Brandon placed his hand on my thigh, I've only focused on that hand. I'm not looking at it but I can feel his warm hand on my thigh

" you okay?" He whispered," yup." I whispered, he took his hand off my thigh and placed it around my shoulder, I snuggled into him and placed my head on his shoulder again

At this point I've giving up on watching this movie, I began to kiss on his neck

I looked up and saw him smiling sweetly, I sucked a bit and sucked harder on the same spot

He took my chin carefully and lead me to his lips, the kiss was sweet and short, but then I began to kiss with tongue," wait wait wait," he said lowly

"Not here,"

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