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The cold September period was slowly rolling in, I took my white sweater on with a pair of baggy blue pants

I looked at myself in the mirror, some of my bruises were slightly gone. Some of the had gotten a weird yellow brown colour

I took my backpack over my shoulder and walked out of my bedroom door, I walked down the stairs to the kitchen

" good morning Za," my mom said and flipped a pancake," yeah uh good morning mom," I said and sighed," what going on Za'Niyah?" She asked and looked at me," nothing I'm just not feeling well today," I said and tapped the marble counter with my index fingers

" I know when something is wrong and there is something wrong, tell me," she said and took a plate of pancakes over to me," I'm fine, I'm going to miss history if I keep on talking about this thing, I'll take those," I said and the pancake and took a bite

I walked over to my shoes and took on my red and white Jordan's on
"Remember to be home by seven, we have guests coming over,"

" of course mom, did the bus get zahra?" I asked while I opened the door," yeah you're hours are different, she starts at eight and you start eight fifteen which is in ten minutes," she said and looked at her watch

" fuck..okay see ya later," I said and ran out the door

I hurried inside my car and turned it on, I drove down the street and then to Ophelia's house," gee we're almost gonna miss history!" Ophelia said when she sat down," sorry I had a bad morning," I lied

Well technically I did have a bad morning,so I didn't lie to one of my closest friends

" oh?...what happened?" She asked," uhh can I tell it at lunch?" I asked and only focused on the road," of course, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to,"

And after that the car ride was quite, it was weird because we usually sing along to the radio and just have fun

We pull up to the school parking lot," uhhh what happening?" I asked and looked at the front door and saw Devon and some of the cheerleaders fighting

I park the car, Ophelia and I walked out and closer to the fight," why are you defending her!?" Daisy said and folded her arms," because she's my best friend since kindergarten!! And the shit you've done needs to come to the surface!!" Devon yelled

" no It doesn't! I did it for you and everyone! So don't come here and say that you regret everything!" Daisy said

The bell rang and Ophelia and I began to walk into the school building," what happened?" I asked while we walked down the hall to my locker," I don't know but it sounds like Devon is tired of daisy," Ophelia said and laughed

" aren't everyone?" I said and opened my locker to take my book out, Ophelia laughed l closed my locker," uhhh I think I'm going over uhm somewhere else," Ophelia said weirdly

She then walked away,"What going on?" I whispered to myself, I turned around and instantly saw Brandon, I looked and him and then shook my head

I turned around again and walked away," Za'Niyah wait!" He yelled, i stopped but my back was still turned," what?" I asked while trying not to look at him

" I- Za'Niyah I'm-" and then the second bell rang I just
Shook my head aging and walked away from

I'm Sick and I tried of playing child games, I just want him to be honest and tell me 'Za'Niyah I'm
Hopelessly in love with you'

Of course no one would say that to me, but I would be nice to hear

I fumbled with my thoughts,'what's happening?' I said to myself

I walked my way to history late, I know Mrs watts is going to be nuts. I opened the old wooden door, it creaked as i moved it more," uh guess who finally wanted to come to my class," she said and gave a little evil smile

I know she hats me, but it's alright because I hated her too," so today I want you guys to do a group project about yourself, you have this whole month to make a presentation and make everything perfect. I already made the groups," she said and everyone became annoyed instantly

" great," I whispered to myself

I tried to listen but my mind was somewhere else, I think the chance of Brandon and I getting together is slim

He's with daisy, they have something. They have been friends since they were kids and I just came into the picture

I know that I don't like daisy but I can't lie the girl is pretty, and I'm just Za'Niyah

The girl whose family is messed up, the girl whose father is somewhere

I'm the girl who lost everything

" Za'Niyah and Brandon," wait.... Brandon?! Why him?! Arghhh I just saw that little smile on her face

She knows the drama with Brandon and I

I sighed and looked behind myself and saw Brandon, he was talking with some of his friends but it wasn't Freddie or that other guy

He looked at me, I quickly turned around and looked at my boring history book. Why do I always take it with me even though I know we never use it

" you have two hours to do this in this class and then you'll have the rest of the month," Mrs watts said and sat down, we all got up," you can work in here or out side," she said and went back to her book

I looked over at Brandon and he looked at the door, I sighted and walked out the door

" so-" " I only want to talk about this project," I said fast, he nodded and shut up," uhhh so you're fam-" " can we take you're a first?" I asked feeling uncomfortable with telling about my messy life to
Other people

" uhhm okay," he said," so just talk about her family what you do on Christmas and all that stuff," I said and took out my notebooks

We walked to a bench outside," well I have two sisters and one little brother, my mom is on the medical board and my dad is the CEO of Evan E," he said and looked down

Not being to proud of his parents," big money," I said to myself," yeah..." he said and fumbled with his fingers

" so what's you're brother and sisters names?" I asked,"my big sister on twenty one, her name is Donna. And my little sister on fourteen her name is jasmine, and then my little brother on fourteen his name is Benny. They're twins," he said and smiled

He probably loves them a lot," have you ever lived somewhere else then here?" I asked and then tilted my head," I've always lived in Washington , we've never lived anywhere else. My dad is to proud to leave, he thinks if he leaves everyone is going to forget about us," he said and laughed at his dad

" so you want to move?" I asked," no I uh, I just want to visit other places, I've only been to small town in Texas for a week, and then we went back home," he said and rolled his eyes

We talked a bit more about his family like his mom's name is jessamine and his dad's name is Harvey

" so what about you're family?"

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