'Night Changes' - One Direction

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Dedicated to xShadowHunterx for suggesting this amazing song that is now my favourite song! Also dedicated to awesome4eva19 because I know how much of a directioner she is 😉

I walk up to the restaurant and enter, immediately spotting the back of Brady's head whom is already seated at a table. I cross over to the other side of the room and grab his shoulders in a quick move and he jumps in surprise. Brady turns around and the corners of his mouth curl up into a smirk.

"Hey, Leila" he laughs.

I pull out the chair opposite him on the table made for two and pull my skirt around onto the wooden chair as I sit down.

"Hey" I respond.

A waiter arrives almost immediately and we give him our orders. He then scurries off and gives the orders to the cooks.

"You look great tonight," Brady comments. I look down at my dress.

'You should wear that dress with pride, Leila. It was once mine'

"Thanks," I reply, lifting my head up with a smile.

The small amount of awkwardness in the air soon turns into a deep conversation. We always tend to create a deep conversation, even at the worst possible time. It's good, in a way. We talk about some really serious topics sometimes. That's just how we roll!

Our food soon arrives and I am given a plate of spaghetti while Brady receives a steak. Thanking the waiter, we grab our knifes and forks and begin eating.

'You would look perfect in that dress if you only lost some weight. You could never look as good in it as I ever did'

The voice in my head stops me from eating my last half of the dish, even though I want to eat it.

"Leila," Brady says and takes me away from my daze. "Are you okay?"

If only I could tell him.


"Good, because I am having such a good time with you" he grins.

'How dare you go out with a boy when I am at home, struggling to keep the family alive'

'There's only two of us you have to look after, Mum'

"Same here" I respond with a smile.


"Take my hand, Leila" Brady tells me. I stumble onto the ice and I place my hand in his. He holds my hand as I initially get used to it, holding me up from the floor which calls for me whenever I lose balance. Soon enough we are skating evenly, hand in hand.

We reach an edge of the rink and in a swift move Brady pulls up right against the wall and turns me so I am standing in front of him, facing him.

"What are you doing?!" I ask him. "I don't want to fall!"

"You've already fallen for me" Brady states, holding his head up high in a jokingly matter.

"That's so lame" I giggle.

"You're lame" he shoots back at me.

"You can't say that back because I already won so get lost" I laugh.

"Oh, really now?" he smiles as I continue chuckling. He pulls me closer towards him and I quickly fling my hands onto the fence behind him to prevent me from falling onto the ice.

"Stop" I say with fear.

"I won't let you fall," he says. "Look at me"

I look up at him and his eyes are smiling along with his mouth. I give him a small smile back and he pulls me closer. I reach my neck up and he puts his lips on mine and I immediately react to the kiss.

'Stay away from boys. They will only hurt you in the end'

'You're just jealous that I still have a boyfriend while you lost your husband'

We let our lips linger on each other for a moment longer before I pull away and he kisses my forehead.

I shuffle to the edge of the rink and stand beside him. I clutch onto the fence and place my hand on top of his.

"Have I ever told you how lucky I am to have a girlfriend like you?"

'I'm not jealous! You never got my agreement to getting a boyfriend anyway!'

'How is it up to you on who I am allowed to date and love?'

"Yes, and I love you too"

'If I can't love anyone then you can't love anyone!'

'It was your fault you guys divorced! You need to learn to be less selfish!'

Then my mother slapped me.

"It's funny" Brady says, breaking the silence between us whilst we watch people skate on the ice. "Every time a night like this, a special and magical night together, comes along it always ends so quickly. Soon enough it will be the morning"

"Yeah," I nod. "One minute we are eating, the next we are ice skating. Soon enough it's all over. It's funny how fast the

Night Changes."

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