08|Building a Home

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"I would rather be with you - even the you that you seem to think is diminished -than anyone else in the world

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"I would rather be with you - even the you
that you seem to think is diminished -
than anyone else in the world."
~Me Before You

It was a month after the Avengers' fallout that Bucky woke up again as a new man. His head was clear of his trigger words, the Winter Soldier had been laid to rest and the White Wolf had awoken. Shuri was a brilliant girl and she reminded Bucky of Becky from time to time, Shuri had even tracked down his sister for him as he slept. Bucky had visited his sister, and it was weird seeing his youngest sibling, his baby sister, as an old woman with her own grandchildren, who he had met.

Bucky stood there overlooking the shining lake, soft breeze rustling his hair. He overlooked the sunset. Freya would be arriving soon she had said, she was a little busy helping Thor on their Infinity Stones quest, they were visiting the Collector to see if the Aether was still in his hands and safe.

As Freya returned they shared many moments together. One day they visited the glowing forests of Vanaheim and another one they visited their in law family. As time passed, the two lovers reconnected, the very old promise ring coming back as Bucky properly proposed in their small home. Their lives were going well, it seemed that both fighters finally had some peace, at least during the day. At night, the nightmares would come for Bucky, torturing his mind and Freya would do her best to coax him back to bed and eventually sleep, it was after two months sine Bucky had woken up that he told Freya to look through his head, and she did.

"Everyone is brokenthat's how the light gets in

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"Everyone is broken
that's how the light gets in."
~Ernest Hemingway

Fall turned into winter and as the new year came, a third member was added to the family on April the 5th. Idun Freyasdottir  Barnes. A brunette girl that looked a lot like her parents, her eyes were a mix of Bucky's crystal blue ones and Freya's forest green ones.

Freya and Bucky visited Nifelheim, where Skadi, Sol and Sigurn welcomed them with open arms, glad to meet Bucky and the newest addition to the royal family. Thor also came to see his young niece, excited to become uncle Thor. Along came the Warriors of Three and Heimdall to meet their friend's daughter, Njord and Siggy glad to have a future playmate. Freya had written a letter to Odin, writing about Idun. Her heart couldn't bear it yet to return to Asgard, not with her new child. Odin had responded to her letter that he was happy for her and that they should meet-up in the near future. After visiting most of Freya's family, they notified their fellow Avengers of Idun and went to visit Becky and her family after. As they were in New York, Freya had seen an old man that seemed so familiar, he had looked at her, then at Bucky and then at Idun and had smiled kindly before disappearing.

The dragons did not return to the roots of Yggdrasil yet as they had no reason to, after the second daughter is born in the House of Vili, the dragon soul enters the second daughter's body as well and the Dragonriders at the time are given the choice to either allow the power to go, or they could hold onto it until the new daughters claimed the dragons. Needless to say, Skadi and Freya choose to hold onto the dragons power for a little longer, on the contrary to their late mothers. Jormungandr and Nidhogg took a liking to both Sol and Skadi, which was a miracle, especially since Nidhogg wasn't keen on other people. Freya suspected it had to do with the dragon's soul also being in both girls. As Idun 5th month came, the Seer spoke to Freya's mind, revealing the young girl's title. The Goddess of Spring and Youth. With Idun being half human and half Asgardian, her ageing was the same as Sol's. Bucky had been worried at first but with Freya's reassurances he calmed down, she was right after all, it was normal apparently.

Idun learned to walk quite quickly and her first word turned out to be 'doll' it had brought a smile to both her parents' faces as they had looked down at their little girl. Bucky had picked her up and started spinning around and as they spun the seasons changed, it had been a little over a year since the Avengers' fallout when Thor called upon Freya to help him. Freya had said goodbye to Idun and Bucky, saying she would be back as quickly as she could.

Hi! Very short chapter I know sorry! But like a Barnes family chapter before I start torturing them again, enjoy it while it lasts. Who do you think the old man was in New York? What'd you think about the chapter?

 Who do you think the old man was in New York? What'd you think about the chapter?

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Until next time in Thor: Ragnarok from the Barnes family

Funny Post

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