19|Then There Were Two

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"Everything that's that's happened, everything I've done, all that matters is that you're okay, that you forgive me

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"Everything that's that's happened,
everything I've done,
all that matters is that you're okay,
that you forgive me."
~Finn Collins, The 100

Freya ran through the metal corridors, Asgardians followed closely. Brunnhilde ran beside Freya, they needed to get their people to safety, that was all that mattered. The escape pods were in sight and Freya spotted some shadows luring close by. Brunnhilde looked at Freya who nodded quietly. The Valkyrie continued leading the people to the escape pods while the princess remained behind.

Freya twisted the two swords in her hands a bit, preparing for the inevitable attack. A woman with horns lunged forward out of the shadows. Freya blocked the attack with her telekinesis and stabbed forward, only to be blocked by a tall man. Freya pulled back ready to attack again, only to have a hard object hit the back of her head. Then everything turned black.

The woman was being held by two members of the Black Order, each one held one of her arms, ready to restrain her. Loki looked at Freya worriedly.

Her eyes flickered open and she looked around. Dead and wounded Asgardians littered the floor, those who weren't dead were being killed by other members of the Black Order "Let me go!" Freya struggled against her captors but it only ended in them holding her tighter.

"Hear me, and rejoice. You have had the privilege of being saved by the Great Titan....You may think this is suffering...no, it is salvation. Universal scales tip toward balance because of your sacrifice. Smile, for even in death, you have become Children of Thanos." One member of the Black Order, Ebony Maw as Freya had learned from his thoughts, spoke as a snake while the other member, Corvus, killed Es. The woman who had guarded the children of Odin until they were old enough to walk around on their own.

"I know what it's like to lose. To feel so desperately that you're right...yet to fail, nonetheless. It's frightening. Turns the legs to jelly. I ask you, to what end? Dread it. Run from it. Destiny arrives all the same. And now, it's here. Or should I say...I am," The leader of the Black Order, Thanos spoke so calmly and monotonously that it made Freya's blood turn cold. How could he be so calm, so emotionless in that moment. His large purple hand wrapped around Thor's head, holding him up "You talk too much," Thor groaned as blood spilled from his mouth.

Thanos ignored Thor and looked at Loki "The Tesseract or your brother's head. I assume you have a preference." Freya looked at Loki, she knew he couldn't have the Tesseract "Oh, I do. Kill away." Loki looked Thanos dead in the eye. There was a moment of silence before Thanos closed his gauntlet clad fist and pressed it to Thor's head. The Power Stone that had already been claimed started tearing up Thor's head.

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