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My next class is yearbook. We get to take aesthetic pictures of our school campus, students, and the special events we have. The class is a combination of juniors and seniors.

I walk in the class, it has aligned desks, 4 rows with 6 desks in each. It's not supposed to be a big class I'm guessing. I sit in the 4th row from the door and 4th seat. All the other students know each other and they're laughing and talking. I freeze when I see Ben and 2 other guys behind him walk in. The guy behind rushes to sit next to the pretty girl and the other guy sits behind him. All the other seats are taken which leaves Ben sitting next to me. As he makes his way to his seat, he smiles at me and sits down. I know he's not attractive but my stomach feels weird. I can't say I dislike like him if I don't know him.
"Are you new here?"
"Uhh..." Words don't come out of my mouth so I just smile and nod. The teacher came in at the exact time the passing period bell rings. She introduces herself as Mrs. Avery, she explains how fairly easy this class is.
"These first 2 rows are partners and the next 2 rows are partners," Mrs. Avery instructs.
I'm flabbergasted, Ben is my partner.
"For the whole year," she continued.
This feeling makes me want to drop out of this class. Mrs. Avery continues with the rules and hands out a syllabus.

It's lunchtime. I have a salad with cut grilled chicken in it. Chelsea calls me over where she and everyone else is sitting. The first thing that I've been thinking of comes out,
"Ben is my partner in yearbook."
Jordan, Jake, Liam, Aneessa, and Chelsea stop their conversations and just stare at me surprised.
"You go girl, better get some..." Aneessa points out. I laugh at that. Chelsea and Jordan start planning things and I stop them from even telling me.
"I'm not looking for a boyfriend and I don't think he's my type," I say.
"I'll wait when you change your mind," Jake chuckles. Liam agrees with his statement.
"You never know," Liam adds. "You don't know him...yet."

The day goes by fast after lunch. Biology and Government are not that hard, plus it's the first day of school we're not doing anything that difficult. I walk out of the school to my parking lot. I get into my car and turn on the ignition. As I put my car in reverse, a group of students walks behind my car; Ben's friends. They notice how I almost hit them and they all give me dirty looks besides Ben, he just looks straight into my soul thought an expression. I take a deep breath, touch the wheel, and leave the parking to go home.

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