Sarah Gomez

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I have no idea. She's just... different. I remember the first time I saw her. On the first day of school, at snack, she was sitting with Chelsea. Wearing a pink skirt, white top, and we were wearing matching vans. Her long eyelashes were touching her black-framed glasses. Her hair was straight and silky, I would be able to run my fingers through it without them stopping. I don't know her name... yet, but I can figure it out. I walk past her, and I try not to make it obvious so I look past my friend and take my last glimpse of her.

I walk into my dad's dance classroom the minute the bell rings. Yes, my dad's a teacher, Mr. Miller, and I'm his teacher assistant as a senior at Chesapeake High. I walk over to my dad and greet him, I sit down in the nearest swivel chair. As I skim the class to take an overview of the students, I see her.

My next class is on Yearbook. I enter the class, and my friends have already taken the seats that are part of the 'group'. At least there's a spot that's close to them. I haven't had a chance to examine the class. The one seat that's open is next to her. I have a late reaction so I just smile as I sit. I ask the stupidest question ever.
"Are you new here?" Of course, she's new here, I know everyone and I've never seen her. She's going to be nervous.
"Uhh..." she smiles and nods. I've made her nervous, and it's my first impression, what a bad one. I'm usually good a this, in fact, great, this is my perfection. She makes me feel awkward but in a good way. I'm so over this, I'll find out her name and I'll be done.

Just kidding. I've been thinking about her all week and I found her on Instagram her name is Sarah Gomez. Her account is private but I've been thinking about following her but I'll wait.

It's the weekend and there are people moving into the house next door. I open the window blinds and it's Sarah. She's going to be my next-door neighbor. This is serious, like extremely.
"Hey mom, no one told me we're getting new neighbors," I tell her.
"We're getting new neighbors," she responds sarcastically. "Sorry I forgot, how about whenever you see them, say hi, make them feel welcomed."
"Can we invite them over for dinner?" I ask.
"Actually, that's a good idea, just tell your father."

I rush upstairs and tell my dad and my brother that we'll have Sarah's family over for dinner. I go outside and knock on her door and Sarah opens the door. My heart drops to my stomach and I feel my face split into white and red, I don't think she notices because we have similar expressions.

It's time for dinner. Her and her parents come inside. She looks beautiful, I should've dressed up a little better. We sit across from each other at the dining table and on purpose, I would look up. Most of the time, we would smile because we caught each other starting but I thought it was cute. After, we had to wash the dishes. I invited her to stay longer to watch t.v but she declined. I had deeply regretted the question but then she complied to my invite. We sat down on the couch and her parents has left and mine had gone upstairs with Michael. We had agreed to watch a romance movie that I had never seen before. I got up to get water and I sat closer to her. I was happy that she didn't flinch or scoot farther so I guess she was relaxed. When the movie was over, I walked her back to her house. I was about to hold her hand when she lifted it up to knock on the door. Her dad opened it and I felt nervous. I've just met him, it's just that I was trying to make a move on his daughter. I waved the both of them good night and I headed back home. I went upstairs into my room. I didn't bother changing because I was wearing shorts and a t-shirt. I hopped in bed and I had the urge to text Sarah; and I do. We text till 11. She cuts our conversation early and says she has to sleep. I'm not that tired but I'll go to sleep because she is. I turn off the lights and fall asleep quickly.

The rest of the weekend, we were texting and video chatting. I loved her company even though we weren't talking. I never realized her warm laugh, it's a genuine feeling of home, I feel comfortable with her. I don't need to put on a fake mask. I know we haven't actually hung out in person but video chatting is a lot to start with.

It's Monday and in Dance, when I walk in, I sit next to Sarah. I give her a smile and I hear all the students whisper as I sit. I ignore them and just relax in my spot next to Sarah. The students need to make up a routine. If they have the best dance, they get to choreograph the class. I knew helping Chelsea and Sarah would be cheating but I really wanted to. Anyway, I have to help my dad with something.

After dance, I walked with Sarah to Yearbook. I was glad to be Sarah's partner - for the whole year. We don't really do anything in the class until a school event comes up. Other than that, it's a free period. I spent most of the time talking to Sarah but I got annoyed when one of my friends would interrupt our conversation. She didn't seem to mind but I got irritated.

School went by slowly after my classes with Sarah. It was boring and I had to stay after school for rehearsal in the plays and stuff. When I came home at 5 I was tired. I still ate dinner with my family though. Occasionally, we eat dinner at the dining table, but since my mom was at work, we just have dinner by ourselves. My dad asked me to take out the trash. I was walking down the driveway when I see her, Sarah. She was walking back into her house. I called out to her and she came over to where I was standing. She was wearing comfortable clothes that gave me the idea she was dancing and Chelsea has just left. I wanted to make it a long conversation but she already wanted to leave when she came over. We had small talk but just like Saturday night, she ended our chat short. I smiled her a goodnight and she returned the gesture. I head back inside and into my room. I changed out of my school clothes and into a shorts without a t-shirt and did my homework. I turned off the lights and I was laying in bed on my phone. I don't text Sarah, but I text Chelsea. I asked her if Sarah liked me and she gave me an I didn't know answer. She wasn't really sure if she liked me but Chelsea knew she talked about me a lot. I set my alarm and got into my covers, I closed my eyes and drifted off into the darkness.

Suddenly, I feel something touch my back. I shiver as the cold fingers trace my spine. I turn over and I see Sarah. She isn't wearing her glasses and she's wearing short shorts and a tank top. I don't question why she's in my bed, I just go with it. My left hand brushes her cheek and places her dark brown hair behind her ear. She doesn't say anything as she moves closer and places her hand on my side. I adjust the pillow so it's connecting with hers as I kiss her soft dark rose pink lips. Her legs go on my calves as she traces them with her toes. I grab her thigh and use that to lift myself on top of her. She laughs the same laugh I always hear and she tightens her arms around my neck. I'm in between her legs and we're kissing. She would sometimes give me a chance to kiss her neck and I would take it. I can't believe this is happening, it's perfect.

I wake up sweaty. My sheets are entangled on me and I can't breathe. I rush into the bathroom and splash water on my face. I run my hands through my hair in distress and stare in the mirror. My face is red and I can't stop thinking about her. I go back into my bed with everything vivid in my mind. I try to go back to my dream but my brain won't let me. I just fall back asleep with just darkness.

In reality, I want to kiss her badly. Ever time I look at her, I get weird sensations all over my body. I've gotten this feeling before, but only in my stomach; this is everywhere. I should probably tell her how I feel, but school just started and it'll be rushing it. But also, it's my senior year and this planning relationship won't last long. I'll do something but I don't know. Chelsea isn't sure if Sarah likes me, but I'll risk it. The plan is to kiss her. But when? I'm going to do it in private, I don't want her to be embarrassed while everyone's watching. I'll pull her aside and tell her how I feel before I kiss her so it's not random.

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