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After prom, everything between Ben and Sarah is going smoothly. Once in a while, he would ask her out on a date. Every time, it was something different but also memory saving. For class favorites, they were voted Cutest Couple.

The end of the year was most of the fun for Yearbook. Since Ben and Sarah were partners, they edited a few pages in the yearbook. Dance was the same while Sarah and Chelsea taught the class their dance. Mr. Miller liked it a lot to the point he said they were going to use the dance for competition. Chesapeake High's Dance won a trophy in the competitions.

With Sarah's junior year and Ben's senior year were going by so fast with all the fun, they never thought about the end. Ben was going to an acting school for college in California and Sarah still had her last year to finish.

It was already graduation on the last day of school. 369 seniors in dark red cap and gown all seated in white chairs on the football field. Family and friends were pact on the bleachers. A stage was set for the students to walk and get a scroll and sit back down. Each student went up to get their scroll until Ben was called. Sarah felt her stomach sink when she heard his name. Reality hit her in the face that ended her fantasy. Her eyes had a glisten of water, and a weary look on her face. She was happy for him but also had the painful feeling in her heart. He's going to leave.

When the ceremony was over, all the students got to switch their tassels to the other side and they all tossed their cap. The graduated seniors we're escorted to the gym to get their real diplomas. Sarah, her parents, and Ben's family were all sitting together for 30 minutes waiting for Ben to come out the gym. When he did, they all rushed off the bleachers and speed walked to him. They were all excited to see him all grown up. His mom took multiple pictures of him and everyone else. After a while, Ben asked for time alone with Sarah.
"How does it feel to be graduated?" Sarah asked happily.
"It's great. But that's not what you want to know, " he replied plainly.
Sarah dropped her head only looking at his shoulders. He lifted her chin with his hand and bent his head to kiss her.
"It's okay. We still have summer, " he said assuring her.
They hugged tightly and swayed side to side.
"There's a grad party at my friend's house if you wanna come?" he asked.
"Sure, what time?"
"Right now, " he said smiling.
It was 7 so she figured it was a good time. They told their parents and got into Sarah's car. Ben came with his parents and Sarah had drove by herself while her parents came shortly after the ceremony began.

When they entered the house, it was wild. There were a lot of seniors and few juniors containing Chelsea. She was surprised that Sarah came. Ben told Sarah he was going to get a drink and left to the kitchen. Chelsea pulled Sarah over and they talked. Ben came back with a cup and gave it to Sarah.
"We're out of that hell hole bitches!" a shirtlees guy yelled.
The crowd roared and the dj turned up the music. The same shirtless guy got on the mic and told the dj to play a throw back song.

As soon as everyone heard the first second, the crowd cheered. When the chorus began, the ground shook because of the music and the jumping. Everyone's hands were up and singing their lungs out to the lyrics. They were enjoying this graduation party.


Ben and Sarah left the party before anything actually happened. Neither of them were drunk so Sarah was able to drive back home. On the ride back, they talked about how the party was fun. Ben started about what they were going to do over the summer and what he has planned. Sarah was excited until she mentioned what was going to happen after; what a buzz kill. Ben got nervous and was saved of the question when they reached home. He kissed her goodnight in the car and got out. She parked her car in the driveway and sat in the seat quietly. She took a deep breath in and then exhaled out. She went inside the house and said goodnight to her parents. She had lost her appetite and headed upstairs into her room. She sat on her bed, she didn't feel anything to cry. She changed out of her clothes, took a steamy shower and went to sleep.


It's summer. The days are longer which gave Ben and Sarah a lot of time do hangout in the sun. When it got dark, they went to the almost empty beach and splashed each other with the salty water. Every time they hung out, it was different. They each got a day to plan something. They didn't spend time together everyday, but it was offen. Sarah and Ben were trying to make the most out of the days. She knew it would come to an end but Sarah wanted to live in the moment.

Ben didn't want to leave Sarah, but he couldn't give up his dream either. He applied for the college in California and got in. Since they're in Florida, California is across the U.S, he couldn't stay. He turned to Sarah and gave her a passionate kiss.
"I love you, " he said slowly.
The words put Sarah into daze, making her forget about everything.
"I love you too, " were the only words that came out her mouth. Something that felt perfect at the moment.


2 weeks before Chesapeake High started again and Sarah was ready for senior year. Ben had been packing a few things getting ready to leave. His flight was Saturday morning reaching California a few hours later the same day. He didn't have much with him but he had enough to start a new life. He was going to be living at school there. Both families came out to say goodbye. Sarah was the one taking him to the airport that morning. When he put his stuff inside the trunk and got in the car, Michael came to the window and gave his older brother a final hug.

On the way to the airport, Sarah was asking questions about what he's going to do when he gets there. He knew that's not what she truly wanted to ask. When they got there, he checked in his ticket and went through security and bag check and everything. Passengers are supposed to board in few minutes so they had limited time. He pulled her close and held her.
"Hey. Just because I'm leaving, doesn't mean I'm going to be forgotten, " he said with his voice cracking a little.
"I know but..." Sarah couldn't find the words to say.
"This isn't a break up but we both know long-distance relationships don't work. There's going to be an end, " he said with a tear stream down his cheek. "I just want you to know I love you. I want you to be happy, with anyone you date."
"Stop, " she whispers heavily, her face is scrunched up because she's crying.
"I have to go, " he said looking up.
He kissed her for the last time and headed to the ticket booth. He turned around and waved goodbye and Sarah mouthed it back.

Sarah got in her car and cried. She let it all out before she began to drive. When she parked her car in the driveway, she didn't have someone to kiss. When she entered her house, her parents gave her hug because they saw her puffy eyes. She went upstairs into her room and balled her eyes out. She wasn't going to have someone to cuddle and comfort her. Now, she wasn't going to have someone with her throughout her last year of high school. She's going to miss his eyes and hair. She was jealous of him and his perfect smile. She might never see it again.

Ben wasn't going to have someone to keep him happy his first year of college. She was the light of his dim world. A part of him wishes that he was born a year later so he can be the same age as Sarah. Sitting on the plane, all he thinks about is her.

He was sitting at the window seat when a girl about the same age as him sat down. She noticed he was not okay and she felt the need to comfort him.
"Are you okay?" she asked.
"Not much, " he replied.
"Oh, I'm Victoria. You can call me Vic."

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