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It's the beginning of May and tickets are going on sale for the Chesapeake High Prom. For a while, Ben has been thinking about asking Sarah to the prom but he doesn't know how. He wants to make it special because he has never done this. Sarah finds it nice how he's on the court and that he's most likely to become prom king. He doesn't really care if he wins or not but he just wants to dance the night away with her.


Ben and Sarah are out on a walk in the massive park in the center of the city. Holding hands, they stroll on the park sidewalk. Daylight savings has ended and it's almost 8 with sun almost done setting. There are light bulbs hung crisscrossed above the area they are in and Ben thinks it's the right time to ask her. They stop in their movements and he slides his hand around her lower back and looks deeply into her eyes through her glasses.
"Will you go to prom with me?" he asks with small nervousness in his tone. She looks into his eyes and can't even speak. Sarah smiles and nods. All of Ben's anxiety goes away as they kiss. She goes home and tells her parents the exciting news and her mom is already giving ideas.

It's the weekend and Sarah's mom takes her and Chelsea to go shop for dresses. Prom is at the end of the month so Sarah has time to plan everything. They go to a small boutique and they take out several dresses to try out. Chelsea is going with her boyfriend and she wants a dress that's a little flashy that fits her personality. She found the perfect dress, it was silky sky blue that had the back open and was flowy all the way down. It contrasted her melanin and also her body. Sarah kept changing in and out of dresses she had in line until, her mom pulled out a dress from a rack. It was a lilac dress that had V straps front and back. It was flowy with a slit on the left leg. On the back, was a bow that rapped around her stomach and draped down to the ground. They both got silver shoes but different styles. They left the shop happy with their dresses and went home.

The next day, Ben, Mr. Miller, and Michael went to the tuxedo store. When Sarah was done with shopping, she had sent the color of the dress so Ben can by a bow the same color. His look isn't as stressful as the girls' but it takes some time. They didn't get it tailored because they would be a waste of time. They found a tux that was the perfect size for him. He also got new shoes but Ben knew he had to walk in them for a while so they don't hurt the night of the dance. He got everything and they all left the store.


Weeks past by quickly as both Sarah and Ben waited for the special Saturday night. Sarah woke up at 10 am to get ready. She had a hair and makeup appointment to go to. She also had gotten her nails done two days earlier and Ben got his hair done the day before. Sarah sat patiently on the swivel chair as the employee did her face and hair. When she was done, the worker gave Sarah a mirror to look at the final results. Her eyeshadow was gold into a purple that matched her dress. The eyeliner and eyelashes made her eyes pop and Sarah needs to put in contacts so she doesn't have to wear glasses. The rest of the makeup was perfect. Her hair was bobby-pined to the side in heavy curles. The worker added some glitter to her hair so it wasn't a dull black. When she finished looking at herself, Sarah paid and left the store. She drove home excited for the perfect night. Her mother took the day off to help her daughter get ready. Even though Sarah had woken up early, she didn't want to sit in her dress and wait for the time to come. It was 2 hours before Ben is supposed to come over, that's when she actually started putting on her dress. Her mom helped her place the dress properly on her body. When Sarah was done putting on her shows, her mom came in with jewelry; even for the hair, she also gave Sarah her silver sparkeling clutch to use. She placed jewelry where they go and she started to tear up. She acted as if it was wedding day but only in high school.
"Your beautiful, mija, " she said with her voice cracking.
"Thanks mom."
Sarah stepped slowly down the stairs and her dad took pictures as she was going. They were both happy for her. After a while, there was a knock on the door, Sarah's dad opened it and Ben's face lit up like fireworks when he saw her.
"Hey. You look lovely, " he said really meaning it.
"Well you look handsome, " she replied.
He put on a corsage on Sarah's left wrist and she put one on his left jacket pocket. Ben was nervous and not nervous at the same time. He wanted the night to go perfectly and he didn't want anything to stop it. Ben's parents took the both of them in the car, while Sarah's parents drove separately to a flower garden. There, they took pictures. After a million photos, they drove back home and Mr. Miller took his freshly washed black Chevy Tahoe and took them to the dance. When they reached they hotel the school has rented for the dance, Mr. Miller acted like a chauffeur and opened the door of the car for the both of them. He wished them good luck and told them to call when the night was over.

When they entered, they gave the front desk their tickets and voted for the Prom King and Queen.  They headed upstairs to the floor where everything was happening and Ben opened the double doors into the room where people were already dancing. Chelsea spotted them and rushed over. They complimented each other and Chelsea introduced her boyfriend who didn't go to Chesapeake High. In the hall, there was a table filled with cookies, cheese, crackers, and punch. On the other side, there were standing tables inside and outside. There was a balcony that viewed over into the city, but it was a little windy to go outside. Sarah placed her clutch at the table where Chelsea had put her things and they rest of her friends. Ben asked Sarah to dance with her. After a while, Ben got punch and some snacks to eat.
"We're definitely gonna get real food after, Okay?" he yelled in her ear over the music.
"For sure!" she yelled back.

Sarah and Chelsea's favorite song came on and they found each other on the dance floor and danced. Ben didn't really know the song and he just watched Sarah move. His eyes followed her and he couldn't help it but stare. He had a big smile on his faced and started laughing when Sarah pulled him in to dance with her. The song changed into Ben and the crowds' jam and everyone started jumping. Some of the girls had taken off their shoes because that was only for the glam walk. Everyone was partying like there was no tomorrow.

After 2 hours, someone came on the transportable stage and began to talk. He was there to introduce the Prom Courts. There lined up 4 boys and 4 girls with Ben one of them. The man said the Queen first, it was someone Sarah knew, Aneessa; she was given a pretty crown. The rest of the girls became the Prom Princesses. After, the man gave the Prom King crown to Ben Miller. Sarah was got excited that he had won the crown. The rest of the boys became the Prom Princes. Usually, the Queen are King are supposed to dance but they changed the rule to dance with your date. Aneessa danced with her date, Evan and Ben came down the stares and took Sarah's hand in the center of the crowd who had made a circle on the dance floor.

They swayed looking into each other's eyes. They danced as if they were the only ones. At the end of the song, he leaned in and kissed her. The crowd applauded and the up beat music started again. He took her out side to the empty balcony and they kissed more. They were having the time of their lives.

People began to leave so they left too. They went in Chelsea's boyfriend's car and some of their other friends agreed to meet up at the nearest fast food restaurant. Sarah left her shoes in the car and brought her clutch with her. Aneessa and Chelsea were barefoot too and they all entered the restaurant. Everyone who had came were hungry and they ordered multiple stuff. It was pay after eating so they decided to all pitch in money. They spent 70 dollars for food of 10 people: Aneessa and her date, Chelsea and her boyfriend, Ben and Sarah, Jake, Liam, Jordan, and one of Ben's friends. Aneessa kept showing off her crown while Jake and Liam were hyping her up. Everyone was laughing so hard. Jordan had went to the bathroom and came back walking like he had shit in his ass. He didn't want to talk about how uncomfortable he felt when he sat down and the rest of the group were dying of laughter. They cleaned up their stuff and were ready to leave. Chelsea's boyfriend offered to give them a ride home and they accepted. Ben called his dad telling him they're getting a ride. They all got in the car and Ben gave Chelsea's boyfriend the address. The 4 of them talked in the car until he pulled up in the driveway. Ben and Sarah got out the car and the car drove away. Sarah was holding her shoes and clutch in one hand as they kissed each other good night and went inside.

It was 1 am and Sarah's parents were already asleep. She was exhausted and she went up the stairs clumsy. She took off her dress and laid it on the dresser and she put on some pajamas. Sarah entered her bathroom and hardly took off her makeup. She only took off the jewelry and the bobby-pins and left the hair alone. She turned off the lights and got into her bed. She quickly fell asleep the moment she got comfortable.

Ben entered his house and went up into his room. He wasn't tired because he's used to late night parties. He took of his crown and placed it on his bed. He looked at it for a while with his hands in his pockets, he clenched his jaw just standing there thinking. He took off his shoes and tux and put them in the closet. He put on shorts and went to sleep. Like his other dreams, he dreamt about Sarah. This time it was the both of them swaying on the dance floor.

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