Chapter 28

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When I woke up I was drenched in sweat and it was still dark out. I immediately threw the covers off of me in an attempt to cool off. Looking at my alarm clock I saw that it was three in the morning. Sighing, I laid back down and tried to sleep.

Half an hour passed, but it was no use, I just couldn't get comfortable. I headed downstairs to get a drink because my throat was really dry. My head hurt too. Great. I was probably sick and I didn't even know where any of the medicine was.

I made it to the kitchen but it took longer than it should have. Grabbing a glass from the cabinet, I fill it with cold water from the fridge and sat down on a stool. I took a few sips of water before laying my head on the countertop. It was really cold and felt really good.

"Sera? What are you doing?"


"Are you psychic or something?" He laughed and I listened as he pulled out a stool and sat next to me. A comforting hand was placed on my back.

"No, I'm not psychic." We sat in silence for a minute before I groaned in pain.

"What's wrong, sweetheart?" I sighed.

"I don't feel well."

"Hey, sit up for me."

I could hear the ever-present concern in his voice and did as he asked. I sat up and faced him. His usual smile was pulled into a frown as he studied my face. He placed his hand on my forehead, no doubt checking if I had a fever.

"You're burning up. Let me get you some medicine."

He got up and left the kitchen, disappearing for a few minutes. When he came back he had a bottle of painkillers in his hand and sat it next to me as he sat down. I picked it up and grabbed two pills, swallowing them with my water. We lightly chatted as we sat there but soon enough, I was getting sleepy again. As I yawned James laughed.

"We should probably get you to bed." I could only nod as I stood up.

He guided me upstairs with his hand on my back and we talked along the way. Once we made it to my room, I hopped up onto my bed and threw the covers over myself. Once I was settled James leaned down and placed a soft kiss on my forehead.

"Goodnight, sweetheart."


The next time I woke up it was about eleven. Checking my phone, I saw a text from Mason.

Good morning!! How's your last day of suspension?

I couldn't help but smile as I was reminded of last night's date. It couldn't have been any better.

Not so great. I'm sick.

Almost as soon as I hit send, I had a reply.

Awwww! I'm sorry. Feel better! <3

Thank you.

With that, I headed downstairs but stopped as I passed the office. Tessa was in there typing away, but surprisingly James was too. Before I could sneak away James noticed me and sent me a smile as he got up. He joined me in the hallway and shut the door behind him. He started to walk down the hall heading towards the stairs and I followed.

"Why aren't you at work?"

"Well, you're sick and Tessa's busy writing so I figured I'd stay home in case you needed anything. Besides I can do my work just as good as at the office."

"Oh, alright." We made it downstairs and I followed him to the kitchen.

"How are you feeling? Did you want anything to eat?" I sat down and watched as he got a drink.

"I'm better. I am hungry, but my stomach hurts. I probably shouldn't eat anything." Taking a couple of sips of his drink he set it on the counter and nodded.

"I know exactly what you need." He turned around, grabbing a mug out of the cabinet. I watched as he worked, not really sure what he was doing. Minutes later a mug of tea and two pieces of toast were laid in front of me.

"Tea and toast. My mom always made it for me when I was sick. It really helps."

"Thank you."

"No problem."

I let the tea cool down while I nibbled on the toast. James and I chatted about whatever came to mind. Once I finished my toast I decided that I should let James get back to his work.

"I think I'm just gonna go back to my room and lay down for a little."

"Alright, let me know if you need anything."

"I will."

I walked back up and got comfortable underneath the covers. Deciding that I didn't want to sleep anymore, I turned on the tv. Instead of watching Arrow, I watched it way too much, I decided to watch a movie.

After scanning through Netflix for half an hour I finally settled on watching Thor: Ragnarok. Thor was definitely my favorite marvel hero. He was 100% the funniest and I liked his powers. For some reason, I thought they were a lot cooler than the others. Plus, since the hammer could only be wielded by certain people, no one would be able to take advantage of it. I did kind of like Iron Man too, but Tony was way too cocky for me. And as an added bonus, Thor was the best looking, especially when he got his haircut. Although, I did kinda miss the long hair.

To Be Continued...

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