Chapter One: Collision Course

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check out the opening i made if you want to ! a lot of love went into it, even if there was no way for me to make rin's hair white in the clips haha...

i hope you enjoy the story !



"Okumura, now!" Bon roars over the crashing and clattering of overturned trash cans as we tear through the back alleys, desperately trying to avoid stepping on the odd stray cat as we go. As soon as he calls out his cue, however, I bundle up a ball of blue fire in my palms and launch it forward, only for the embers to crash into the opposite wall with a sizzling hiss. "You missed!"

"He's moving too damn fast!" I snap, following him around a sharp turn. In the distance, I hear another explosion, not unlike one that drew us to this area in the first place. Truth be told, we weren't expecting such a huge amount of chaos so soon, but here we are. Fresh off the train from True Cross, on our way to UA, when a booming blast erupted from the depths of the town. Not everyone knew what that meant, but Bon and I couldn't get off the bus quick enough.

Because an explosion like that can only mean Bakugou's nearby. And probably chasing something super dangerous.

So, like the idiots we are, we've followed along like there isn't a single threat to our lives. We didn't listen to Yukio when he demanded we come back, and we definitely aren't stopping now. Not after we've seen exactly what I think Bakugou was going after. Only, every time we think we've got the fucker cornered, it takes a sudden turn and we almost end up running right into a wall.

"Then forget about me. Catch up with it," Bon finally grunts, tossing a few prayer beads my way. I barely manage to catch them, and the wooden balls burn my skin on contact, but I shove them into my pocket before they can do much damage. Soon as I've got myself sorted, I flash him a look before overtaking him, glad that I don't have to slow myself down to match his pace anymore.

After I've sped up, it's only a matter of minutes before the thing I'm chasing pokes into sight again. Its tail snaps at the air as it scrabbles through the alleys, giving me the perfect chance to lunge forward and grip it. It lets out an ungodly howl, not unlike a demon would, and immediately crumples to its knees.

"Please. Please don't kill me!" It instantly starts to plead, turning to face me with panicked, tear-stained features. I shouldn't let it get to me; this thing's a demon. It has to be, right? There's no way it's anything else, not with horns and hooves and a tail to boot. But I hesitate, and that gives it enough time to twist its lips into a grin and spit something right into my eyes.

Staggering back with a yelp, I dig the heels of my hands into my face, desperately trying to get whatever it just hit me with out of my eyes. But, the more I rub, the worse it starts to burn, my vision blurring and blistering with white spots here and there. C'mon, Rin, you don't have time for this! Don't let it get away!

Growling under my breath, I ignite myself in my flames before the stinging can get any worse. The blue hellfire sears right through the acid that gross demon spat at me, and my vision clears pretty much immediately. Bastard. No way in hell it's getting away with staying here in Assiah. Soon as I'm through with it, it'll be right back in Gehenna before it can even try to struggle.

So I get back on pursuing it. It takes a few moments for me to pick up speed in the thin, snaking alleys, and part of me wonders if I've already let it get too far, but I eventually catch sight of it again. Only, it isn't running. It's stopped dead in its tracks, and I can't help but wonder why until-


Without a single shred of warning, a massive explosion detonates around the creature, the impact of the blast sending me back a few paces. The demon stumbles for a second, giving me just enough time to launch forward. Gripping the strand of prayer beads in my fingers, ignoring how they make my skin sizzle, I shove the garland around the demon's neck. Soon as they're in place, it drops to its knees with a screech, eyes rolling into the back of its skull.

I half expect it to try and rip the beads off. That is until a thick, purple smog suddenly erupts from its mouth, spiralling into the air and dissipating into nothingness. The hell just happened?! Instead of a writhing demon, the body left behind just collapses on the ground, jaw gaping open and muscles twitching. He's not dead, whoever he is, but shards of metal stick out of his skin. Probably from some sort of quirk he's got.

It seems as though, as soon as his form hits the ground, the smoke from Bakugou's blasts finally starts to clear. The haze thins until I can see through it again, and, surely enough, there he stands. Blonde hair on end, and muscles coiled and tense. His scarlet eyes blaze in the small shred of sunlight breaking into the alley, and his head snaps to the side when he sees me.

"Okumura?" He grunts, frowning and stepping closer. Honestly, I never thought I'd say it's good to see Bakugou, of all people, but I can't help but grin and grab him by the shoulder, sweeping him into a tight grip. He goes stiff, obviously, and doesn't return it at all, but he at least puts a hand on the small of my back. That's all I'm gonna get, and I'll take it.

"Bet you thought you'd seen the last of me," I snort, clapping his back a couple times before pulling away. Now the chase is over, I let my tail slip out from under my shirt, the white tuft of fur softly grazing the ground as I tuck a few bits of ivory hair behind my ear.

"A guy can hope," he mutters, folding his arms and quirking a brow. I don't miss the twisted scars tangling around his arms- he isn't dressed for hero work. He's just in regular clothes, which really can't be good. It means this is sudden. He wasn't looking for this guy, and I could bet Bon's prayer beads that nobody sent him after him either.

"So, what the hell's been going on here? Yukio told me a few things, but-" I start, looking down at the fallen man at our feet.

"You think the government really wants kids like us using our quirks without a full licence yet? Shit's getting desperate," he rumbles, turning his back to me and sending a smirk over his shoulder, those sharp eyes of his crossing my features briefly. "Probably best you come with me." And then he's walking. He doesn't wait up- he just grabs his satchel and slings it over his shoulder without a care, leaving the guy he just assaulted in a smoking pile on the ground.

All I can do is scoop the poor guy up, heave him onto my back, and follow Bakugou, hoping to get some damn answers.

All whilst the feeling of being watched niggles at the base of my neck.


???'S P.O.V

"Do you have eyes on him?" His grating voice crackles through the earpiece.

"Yeah. He took the bait."

"Good. You know what to do." I sigh, flexing my hands and encouraging a couple demons out of the shadows with some wisps of blue fire.

"This was my idea. Stay out of it." Then I take out the earpiece, crush it between my fingertips, and melt the plastic shards in my spitting flames.

So just who are you to me, Rin Okumura?

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