Chapter Eight: The Unknown

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"Man, I thought she'd never let you go."

"Tell me about it. Well, at least I can blame these love bites on Recovery Girl now. Which is just... Gross," I groan, tossing my shirt to the other side of the room as I flop down on the bed beside Kaminari. Nothing hurts anymore, which is a plus I guess, but I still ache like I've just been through the most intense workout of my life. Still, at least I've got someone to cuddle at the end of it all, the futon that UA provided going completely unused on the floor. What, did they really expect me to share a room with my boyfriend and not sleep in the same bed as him? Pssht.

Thankfully, as soon as I've slumped down into his duvet, he tucks an arm around me, rubbing my waist. I half expect little sparks to leap off of his fingertips as he does, but there's nothing of the sort. Just a nice warm feeling, sweeping up and down. Now, I'm not complaining, but this is new. I like it, but it's new. He's not usually this forward with his affections- at least not without getting all static-y or zappy. Maybe today just burnt him out.

"Well, at least you aren't tense," he hums, running his hand closer to my chest. In seconds, my heart is stuttering beneath his fingertips. If before wasn't like him, this definitely isn't. However, before he goes any further, he suddenly snaps out of it- like there was a haze over his eyes that's rapidly been ripped away again. He retracts his hand and rolls onto his side, pulling a blanket over his shoulders. He's really not himself today, huh?

"Everything alright? I'm sorry if that freaked me out a bit," I mutter, not sure if he'd picked up on my sudden shift in mood. I mean, I'm not scared of the affection or anything. I guess it's just not what I'm used to. Then again, that's probably just stemming from the fact that we've been apart for a while.

"No, it's fine. I'm just tired," he admits, squeaking a yawn shortly after. Yeah, I can't say I blame him. Today's exercise was a shitshow from the word go, so I can't really expect him to be bouncing off the walls like his usual self. It's no wonder he's ready to drop, and probably a bit loopy from all the exertion. I mean, you just have to look at how his quirk can affect him when it's overused to understand why he's behaving like this tonight. If I had to guess, he's probably teetering between normal and short-circuited.

"Yeah, me too. We should probably sleep."

"Probably," he chuckles as I slip under the covers, glad that there's more than enough to burrito myself in. I don't kiss him goodnight, or bundle him up like the big spoon should. I just tangle myself in bedsheets and shut my eyes. Before I know it, the world is fading out into blissful sleep.


Only for it to stutter back to life almost as soon as I've drifted off. With a small groan, I lift my head off of the pillow when an invasive light penetrates through the curtains, pulling me from slumber way sooner than I wanted. However, before I can complain and go block it out, I find myself freezing when I notice the hue. Blue. Blue as anything, seeping into the room like the aftermath of a distant fire.

Curiosity captured, I carefully crawl my way over a sound asleep Kaminari and press my feet onto the floor, making sure to make as little sound as possible. Usually, I'd wake him up. Make sure he's seeing this too. But this all feels way too personal now. I've been seeing flickers of cobalt at every other turn since I got here. Before we entered the dorms, during training. It's like it's following me, or calling out to me. Sure, that sounds super dumb, but it wouldn't be the first time crazy shit like this has happened.

Which is why I don't hesitate upon peeling back the curtains. The sting from my aching muscles protest, but I silently slide the door to the balcony open and make my way out into the crisp, nighttime air. And that's when I see it, way off in the distance. Right near the training arena we barely got out alive of today, there's a plume of blue fire. I have to stumble back to avoid toppling off of the balcony as all sense of self abandons me.

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