Chapter Three: And They Were Roommates

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art drawn by @ lillytuft on instagram !!



I wish I could spend all day holding him. I wish we could stay here and not have to worry about anything else going on in the world right now. But, only a minute or so after I scooped Kaminari up, Yukio clears his throat and arches a brow, my shoulders quickly sinking. Right. As if it could be as easy as that. As if I could really just spend the rest of my time with my boyfriend, and away from whatever hell is determined to throw itself at us.

"Sorry. Yukio's gonna get pissy if I don't listen," I shyly mumble, reluctantly pulling away from my buzzing bolty boy. He just nods, shuffles back, and tucks his hands into his pockets with a slight blush. Even though we can't stand here cuddling all day, at least Yukio doesn't shoo him away. So, as my brother goes on about everything we've been called here to do, I tangle my fingers with Kaminari's, smiling a little as small currents flit through the creases in my palm. I missed getting shocked way more than I probably should.

"Now we're all listening, I'll go over everything I explained on the bus," Yukio sternly mutters, instantly shooting a glare towards Bon and I, the pair of us bowing our heads as if on instinct. I get it. We already screwed up, and we only just got here. But he should really think before acting like we've not learned anything from chasing that guy.

"Y'know, we actually learned a lot, and-"

"-I don't want to hear it, Rin. I want you to listen for once." That shuts me right up. I should come back with some sort of snarky comment or something clever, but, for once, I don't. I just shuffle back, bow my head, and let out a quiet sigh under my breath. Whatever. He's probably pissed that I'm catching up to him, right? Yeah. That's gotta be it.

As soon as I've fallen silent again, he just fixes his glasses, smooths down his coat, and turns back to the rest of the exwires. "Heroes in the surrounding areas have been reporting a surge of villains with enhanced physical capabilities over the past few weeks. Nobody is quite sure why, and as soon as the issue was presented to the heroes here at UA, they began to speculate that demonic activity is potentially involved."

Everyone's holding onto every word, despite having probably already heard them. But I can't help but join them; I knew there was something off about that demon Bon and I chased down with Bakugou. The guy it left behind- he was using his quirk. Was he a villain? "As soon as they managed to test this theory, and confirmed that this was the case, they requested our help. Until we can get to the bottom of why this is happening, we'll be staying here at UA whilst we lead our investigation."

I nearly jump out of my skin when Kaminari squeezes my hand, inching closer.

"That's not half of it. There's a group of people called the League of Villains. Everyone's starting to think they might have something to do with all this," my buzzing boyfriend whispers, eyes sweeping the floor as he tucks up to me. "They're crazy powerful villains with quirks way stronger than ours. We're not even allowed to fight them."

"Why not?"

"The teachers are scared of them too. I guess they know how dangerous those guys really are." That's comforting. Totally not menacing at all. Not even in the slightest. "I don't really know much about their quirks, honestly. I've barely seen any of them in action- when we all got attacked during a training camp, they kept me outta the fight with a couple of the others," he explains. I think I remember telling me about that. Jeez, a lot's happened since I last saw him, huh?

"Well, we've gotta hope they aren't involved then," I murmur, jolting up to attention when Yukio shoots a glare my way. Right. Listening. Paying attention. I should really get better at doing that, huh?

"Anyway, I'm going to give you all your room allocations now. Since there aren't many dorm rooms free, most of you will be sharing with the students from class 1-A," my brother announces, pulling a piece of paper out of his coat pocket and unfolding it nice and neatly. See, that's the difference between us- his exorcist uniform is all prim and proper. Mine's a bit creased, and the pockets are filled with a couple unwrapped candies and the odd yen coin. I guess I'm still getting used to the whole 'professional exorcist thing'.

Soon as he's pushed his glasses up his nose, he finally starts to list out who'll be bunking with who. Girls are being kept with girls, and same goes for the boys. Izumo ends up with Mina, and Shiemi is paired with Uraraka. Bon's with Kirishima, Konekomaru's gonna be bunking with Koda, Yukio gets to room with Iida, and Takara... Gets his own room. Of course. During the whole thing,  can't help but feel the sting when Shima's name isn't mentioned. Like he never existed.

But, before I can let it get me down, Yukio finally turns to me. "And Rin, you're sharing a room with Kaminari."

"Wait, really?!" I bleat, immediately feeling my entire face light up. I don't know why I thought they'd shove me in with someone else, but man I'm so damn glad they didn't! Before he even has a chance to confirm it, I just grin and turn to my sparking boyfriend, only to suddenly meet his lips as he grabs me and pulls me into a kiss.

I don't care if we're being cringey and fluffy in front of everyone; I haven't seen him for months, and now I'll get to spend every single night with him for as long as we're here! It's like I'm floating on cloud nine or something, being kissed and zapped by Denki's lips.

Until I see something when my eyes flutter open for a split second. A flame, bobbing around in the distance, right up against the treeline. A flame so brilliantly blue, I'd mistake it for once of my own. "Hey, can you see that?" I whisper, looking down at Kaminari, before nodding in the direction of the tiny flicker of fire. Only, when I look back, it's gone, bolty boy's features folding into a frown.

"See what?"

"I uh-... Nothing, I guess," I whisper. It's back. Like someone's breathing right down my collar, the hairs on the back of my neck prick up. Goosebumps split down my nape, and a shudder rolls through me as everyone starts heading inside. As I follow, I just keep looking out for that flame.

But it's nowhere to be seen.

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