Save Them

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Michael backed into the soaked loading dock behind his warehouse coming to a halt as the U-Haul Bumped into the Rubber bumpers on the loading dock. Michael stepped out of the truck and climbed onto the dock grabbing the door strap on the U-Haul and carefully opening the door.

Michael glanced over the silhouettes in the truck before turning around & opening the warehouse loading door. Michael reached in and pulled a dolly out and into the back of the truck. Michael walked into the truck stopping in front of Bonnie.

Michael looked Bonnie up and down sighing.

"Looks like your first big guy." Michael said patting Bonnie on the shoulder before sliding the dolly under his feet pulling Bonnie into the warehouse.

Michael rolled Bonnie through the large dock door & down a concrete ramp into enormous room full of tools & tables littered with animatronics parts. Michael drug Bonnie past a table occupied by an old burnt & broken, nightmarish looking animatronic.

Michael drug Bonnie over to an empty table where he stopped and proceeded to roll over a chain lift. Which Michael used to raise Bonnie off his dolly and onto the table, turning Bonnie to face him and seating him on the table?

Michael examined Bonnie lightly before taking the dolly back to the truck to retrieve the others. Michael slowly moved the band one by one into the warehouse & onto two open tables. Michael drug the Endoskeletons in last raising them off the ground a mere foot using hooks & chains connected to an air-born lift.

As Michael wiped sweat off his face sighing he noticed something was missing. Michael looked over the Animatronics counting them one by one. Realizing that one of the chain supports were empty.

"Where did it go?" Michael asked himself in a worried tone.

Michael looked around frantically looking for the missing Endoskeleton. As Michael began to run back to the truck he stopped noticing something staring out of a window on the inner loading dock.

Michael walked up the ramp onto the dock, cautiously approaching the Endoskeleton.

"Hey!" Michael shouted at the Endoskeleton.

The Endoskeleton stood motionless leaning against the wall with its rusty hand pressed against the window in a tight fist staring into the dark street outside. Michael cautiously stepped up beside it carefully placing his hand on its shoulder.

The Endoskeleton lowered its first turning to face Michael. It's beaming red eyes illuminating Michaels face. Michael stared into its eyes nervously.

"Who am I?" the Endoskeleton asked in a broken static filled voice.

"I-I don't know yet." Michael replied. "But I will soon, but until then I need you to stay in your place with the others."

The Endoskeleton continued to stare at Michael, its eyes looking him over examining him before it stepped down and walked back over to its mount raising itself back on to its hooks. Michael watched it reattach its chains before its eyes went blank as it shut down.

Michael walked back over to the animatronics looking at the band. Michael pulled his tool cart over in front of them before disappearing into an adjacent room, returning with a large

Crate on a dolly. Michael sat the crate beside his cart and began rummaging through parts inside the crate before pulling out four similar devices.

"These will do." Michael murmured to himself setting the objects on his cart.

Michael took one of the devices and a wrench an approached Bonnie. Setting the device on Bonnie's table Michael began loosening a bolt on Bonnie chest. Michael pulled a panel off Bonnie's endoskeleton setting the panel and its bolt beside Bonnie, then taking the small device he had grabbed and replacing a similar device inside the opening in Bonnie's endoskeleton.

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