xiii. I'M SCARED

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chapter thirteen,

i'm scared.


[edited] 13.

word count; 3837 sheesh

before the accident.

"you look amazing, darryl." my mom proudly complemented, brushing some wrinkles out of my red shirt with her hands, "your first day of grade six. i can't believe it."

"it's going to be exactly like last year, ma." i brought up, combing my hair back with a blue brush, "work, work, work."

"don't think of it like that, you have clay, and that new boy. john, right? the one from across the street?"

"it's zak, ma." i said, shaking my head, "how do you mix the two up?"

"i'm old, it happens." she blamed, "hopefully you three will be in the same class. i remember when i was in grade six, back in the day without the electronic—"

"please!" i exclaimed, "not now!"

my mom laughed at my annoyance, "sorry! you kids will never understand how the good old days were."

"yeah, yeah." i waved off, "are we gonna go now?"

"yes, give me a second, though. i need to find my keys." my mom hurried off, searching through her jacket pockets and purses for the key chain.

while sliding my shoes on, i could see my small reflection in the body mirror sat ahead of me. i adjusted my glasses so they laid flat on the bridge of my nose, and along with my face, the bright number ten was stitched brightly on my forehead.

i never cared for the numbers, but my mom told me that i should. she said it was a ranking that judged my future and how i would be observed by the public.

i was royalty. i was 'on the top', but it didn't feel like that. it didn't feel like anything, actually. i was respected, but not appreciated.

meeting clay was probably the most eventful moment of my eleven-year life. i remember it vividly.

he was sitting against the wall at recess, bawling his eyes out. everyone that stood around him was either whispering or laughing traumatically. my heart ached out for him, so i took a leap and tapped on his shoulder.

"hello?" i asked, "are you okay?"

he looked up from the ball he was curled in, his eyes reddened, "yeah. now go."

flipping my head toward the group of sevens and sixes, i threw them a scowled expression, yelling, "you heard him! leave!"

intimidated by my number, they all scurried off. all but one. he was sheepishly stood, twirling his fingers. with my confused expression, he explained, "me and my friends were playing basketball and the ball accidentally hit his head."

"it was not accidental, nick!" clay whimpered, feeling around his head for any sign of a bump, "george meant to throw it at me!"

nick rolled his eyes, holding the ball under his arm, "whatever. same thing. his head got in the way of my friend george's shot. he was basically asking for it."

"i was trying to get to a teacher!" clay exclaimed, rubbing his eyes, "this isn't the first time you guys did this to me! i have more scratches from you!"

"how about we breathe for a second." i calmed, "um.. crying-boy, have uh- nick and his friends been annoying you?"

"i'm clay." he said with a sniffle, "and yes, they have. they always throw me around and i don't like it at all."

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