Chapter 1

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Shawn sat on the edge of his king sized bed swinging his legs up and down staring at them. Normally he would have felt lonely but he wasn't. There was a hand stroking his back trying to calm his nerves down. She gently rubbed her nose agains his shoulder.
"You know that this is the best for you. For us."
Shawn sighed hopelessly.
"I know but-"
"No Shawn. There's no 'but' if we both know that this will be good for you."
"What about you then?!" He yelled jumping off the bed tugging his curly brown hair. She knew exactly what was about to happen. He was having and anxiety attack. She got up and tried to catch up with him, but his footsteps were too fast they almost sounded like a melody, like a rhythm. With one last big step, she was standing in front of him, holding him tightly by his arm so he wouldn't move anymore.
"Jess, I-" he stopped for a second like he was trying to organize his words.
"I don't know if I can do this without you. It's just too much."
"I know but this is the best. For your mental and physical health too. Just a few months ok? It's not even that bad. Think about it like a holiday. You'll just go there, stay for a few months write and album and come back. I'm not going anywhere. I'll be waiting for you here. Don't worry."
"It's easy to say." He chuckled as he turned around and walked towards the mirror. He stopped in front of it and rested his hands on the vanity. He took a few deep breaths again, trying to calm down.
"Shawn I can't here you."
"I wasn't talking to you."
"Ahhh," Jessica whispered kind of disappointed.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sound that harsh."
"It's ok." She said sending him a smile which made him smile too.
"I love you." He said walking towards her and pulling her into a tight hug.
"I love you too baby." She mumbled agains his chest as she buried her head even deeper if possible.
Jessica pulled away a few minutes later even though she knew he didn't want to separate.
"Andrew and the others are waiting for us in the studio."
"Ok." Shawn whispered again and made his way to the cloakroom. They were almost ready in a few minutes.
"Where is the damn key?!" Shawn hissed but of course, Jess couldn't hear him. She slowly leaned on the door and watched him loose his patience. He was moving harshly in the flat throwing things around.
"Where are the keys?!!" He yelled one last time and grabbed the little porcelain elephant. Thoughts were crossing his mind a mile a second. Jessica opened her mouth to say something but it was too late. The innocent little elephant was lying on the marble floor, shattered into a million pieces not much different from her heart.
"Where are the damn keys?!" He cursed again.
"Here." She whispered under her breath as she opened her palm. He took a few sharp breaths and swallowed loudly.
"Why didn't you say it earlier." He hissed with his clenched teeth.
"You just didn't let me. I tried to."
He stomped his feet like a little child and grabbed the keys and got in the elevator.

The whole drive was silent. Only the noice of Shawn bobbing his feet and the music playing in the background. Jessica placed her hand carefully on Shawn's tight to calm him down. For a second Shawn separated his eyes from the road to look at Jessica's shining hazel eyes and back to the solid road.
"I'm sorry." Shawn said not knowing how many times he had already said those words today.
"It's fine. I can imagine have you feel."
Shawn smiled softly looking at his feet. A not believing smile.
"It's just," he took a deep breath and continued;
"Leaving you here all alone and going to an island that's filled with people I don't even know. Like it's so strange to adapt and-"
"I get your point. And I don't want you to think that I'm just trying to brush you off because I'd never. I just want to see the sparkles in your eyes again."
"They're always there as long as you're around."
"That's not what I was trying to say and you know it." She said with a light chuckle.

Shawn parked his Jeep and walked to the entrance of the studio slowly. Andrew's smile was wider than usual. Mostly because he persuaded Shawn to go. He opened his arms widely to give a hug to Shawn but was left empty. Shawn walked pass him with no expression on his face.
"Emm hi Andrew!" Jessica shouted and gave him a hug. That was a little sign from Jessica to Shawn about his behavior. As Shawn got closer to the center of the building he could hear Andrew and Jessica whispering. He didn't say a thing though.
Instead, he walked to the others and and took his place on the couch where everyone else was playing FIFA.

"Dude! Why are you sitting so close to me? Move a bit!" Shawn yelled laughing.
"Oh is it me?! You move idiot!"Brian yelled back.
"Even I'm not complaining! So shut up!" Zubin joined them pointing at Dave who was sitting on his lap trying to play the game too.
"Man I'm not even that heavy, not exaggerate." Dave answered back sounding like he was offended.

Jessica rested her head on the door frame watching all the guys aged between 24-28 acting like babies. Her eyes were on Shawn. Seeing him lively was something she'd never get bored of. Suddenly she felt a hand on her back which made her let out a soft scream.
"Jeez Andrew! You scared me half to death!" She said dramatically putting her hand over her chest.
"They're such babies." Andrew laughed like a parent.
"They really are." Jess said pointing at Shawn who was hitting Brian with the remote control of the PlayStation.
"Ok ok! Enough guys. And Shawn, stop hitting Brian. We don't want a corpse here." Andrew announced walking towards the living room:
"Yeah, especially a corpse as handsome as mine." Brian said sassily. Everyone just rolled their eyes including Shawn. Andrew pulled a chair to the center of the sofas and sat down slowly. Jessica jumped over the couch Shawn was sitting on and landed on his lap. They paused the game and concentrated on Andrew. Shawn's hand was gently drawing invisible shapes on Jess's back as he rubbed his nose against her arm like he usually did.
"So you all know that we've been thinking about sending Shawn to Tenedos." Andrew paused when he realized that the silent invaded the room.
Everyone was silent. Even Brian and Mike were silent.
"Is he going?" Josiah asked in a miserable tone after a few minutes of nothing but silence.
"Well, are you going Shawn?" And all the eyes were on Shawn once again.

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