Chapter 5

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Shawn's eyes were shut. He couldn't take it anymore. Isabella was carrying Shawn's guitar and luggage but that wasn't what was tiring him. It was Isabella.
"And then I told my dad that I wanted to continue my project somewhere else that I can relax and stuff so I was sent here to clear up my mind plus, to finish my projects. But I wish I had Ruth with me. I miss him so much. But luckily I have my cat Patch here so I'm not that alone. Actually, I'm not alone at all. I have you an even though they're a bit old, I am friends with almost everyone here! Isn't it crazy that I've been here for almost three weeks but know almost everyone?!" She said excited. Shawn nodded slowly.
"Ok Isabella."
"Oh, Isabella is my long name. Actually my long name is Isabella Chloe Olivia Garcia. But you can call me Isabel."
"Ok Isabel." Shawn took another deep breath. He was tired. He was missing Jessica and his home. He was mad. And he didn't know why he was mad. He wanted to throw things and break them, punch walls but he didn't know why. Everything was irritating him. And Isabel was not helping. He had to clench his fists and bite his lips to avoid shouting at her to shut up. He wanted to tell her that her parents didn't send her here to finish her projects but to get rid of her. She was still talking but Shawn wasn't listening. He was just nodding to look like he was listening. Shawn's eyes were on the ground and Sammy, who turned out to be the kitten Isabel was talking about, Patch.
"Poor Patch." Shawn mumbled.
"Pardon?" She asked with her British accent.
"Ah, ok. We're here. If you want I can help you with your luggages."
"No no no no!" Shawn yelled sounding more excited than he wanted to.
"Ok then." She opened the door for Shawn and he literally ran in and tried to close the door, but he was unsuccessful. Isabel was holding the door from the other side.
"What again?" Shawn groaned as he rolled his eyes for the millionth time that day.
"I actually wanted to ask you something. Actually tell you something."
"What is it? Can you say it a bit quicker? I'm tired and I want to sleep."
"We're having a game night tonight at the fish restaurant in front of the coffee shop we were at earlier. If you want you can come as well. You can meet some other people there and just, you know have fun on your first night here." She said quietly.
"We'll see. Now I want to rest." She nodded and took a few steps back and turned around. Shawn was about to close the door but again, his action was paused by Isabel. He closed his eyes and took one last deep breath.
"Calm down Shawn, calm down." He whispered to himself. He could feel that Isabel was in front of his door.
"I'm sorry for giving you a headache. I actually didn't mean to. I guess I was a bit too excited to finally have someone around here from my age group. But anyway, have a nice rest. And again, I'm sorry for bothering you." She said with a smile and started walking down the narrow streets of Tenedos.

Shawn found himself staring at the empty street. What the hell was that? He frowned and close the door. He went through his hair with his hand and walked to the living room where he had placed his guitars and luggages earlier. The house was bigger than what it looked like from outside. The living room was white and there was even a fireplace that he wasn't going to use at all. The kitchen was small for some. But it was more than enough for him. 'Cause the only thing he could cook was pasta. As he walked through the hallway, he found the toilet and a room at the end. The door was wood. He slowly opened it and saw his new studio. It was like his studio in LA but smaller. He placed his guitars and fell on the pile of big pillow. His face was sweaty so was his hands. He looked around the room and then to his empty side.
"Wish you were here Jess," he whispered feeling his eyes watering. He sighed and got up. He let his tears roll down his eyes. He was all alone in his new house. He didn't have anything to hide. He sighed and got up quickly. He had to keep himself busy so he started unpacking his stuff and organizing his new studio the way he liked.

He didn't realize how quick time passed. It was almost six o'clock when he decided to get up from his couch and get ready for the "game night" Isabel was talking about earlier. Things she had said were like little ear worms. He couldn't get them out of his mind. He tried to think about something different but then he'd bump into Jess in his mind, which was something he was trying to avoid. He buttoned up his white, blue patterned shirt and left the top two open, just like he liked. He didn't know exactly what he was supposed to wear so he put on a pair of black jeans, his classic white adidas sneakers, grabbed his keys and phone and left the house.
Everything seemed different to him. There weren't people outside their houses drinking coffee or old ladies gossiping, waving their fans. He could only hear some laughters, the noice of forks and knives made and some more talking and laughter.

"Hi," Shawn said waving his hand.
"Hi Shawn! Come and sit!" An old lady he hadn't seen before said politely.
"Thank you" he said and sat next to a woman and man next to her which he learnt their names later on. His other side was empty. Pamela and Arthur were celebrating their 57th anniversary. The night was going way better than Shawn thought it would. They were playing games, chatting laughing and everything. And it was pretty strange that Ahmed knew quite a lot about him. They were keeping him busy and he barely thought about Jess that night.
Shawn threw his last card and got up waving his hands above his head.
"I won! You see?!" He yelled pointing at his face with his index finger. They all laughed at his super childish reaction and clapped their hands. Arthur shook his head and said;
"Yeah yeah. I knew you were gonna win. But don't get used to it huh! You won just because I let you to!" He was trying so hard to look serious but unfortunately his smirk revealed him. Pamela put her head on his back and laughed.
"You're definitely the worst actor I've ever seen."
They sat there for good an hour more when Celeste got up opening her arms;
"Oh where have you been! You're late!"
"Sorry, I was tryna finish something off." A very familiar voice echoed in Shawn's ears. He turned around and saw Isabel hugging Celeste. Shawn was starting at her but she only sent him a shy smile.
"May I?" She asked pointing at the only empty seat, next to Shawn. He nodded slowly. She sat down and started mixing the cards, then giving them out.
Isabel was mostly quiet the whole time, which was pretty strange to Shawn. She wasn't the girl Shawn saw a few hours ago. He didn't know why but there was some sort of knot in his stomach ever since she came.

Shawn started getting bored from the same talk going around like Chinese whisper. Isabel was playing way better than everyone and just like the first time he had assumed, she won again. This time, another man called Tommy started giving out the cards but Shawn stopped him from giving him any.
"You don't want to play?" He frowned.
"No, I'll just watch." Isabel was looking at him as well. She didn't have an expression on her face. Shawn looked away and swallowed. He had a question in his mind that he was inpatient to ask.
"Isabel, don't you know who I am or are you playing the stupid?"

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