Chapter 2

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"Shawn! I need some help! If you don't mind and just get off that couch can you help me?!!" Jess yelled her voice echoing in the house.
"I'm coming baby!" Shawn answered back but still, looking at his phone. A while later, Jess yelled again.
This time, Shawn managed to get off the couch and walked to the stairs but again, his head was buried in his phone.
"I'm coming," he mumbled in the middle of the stairs taking slow steps to their bedroom.
He finally made it to their room, which took him around two and a half minutes, and the first thing he saw was Jess, jumping on his luggage trying to zip it. Shawn laughed confused.
"What are you doing? He chuckled softly.
"Well, what does it look like?! I'm tryna zip your luggage but it's broken, I think."
"Or you're just not strong enough." Shawn teased.
"Ha ha. So funny."
"Well, it is indeed." Jess rolled her eyes at Shawn's comment as he zipped the luggage.
"Thanks" Jessica said planting a soft and quick kiss on Shawn's lips.
"C'mon. Carry the luggages downstairs so we won't be late."
"We still have a couple of hours. I don't wanna hurry."
"We're not hurrying Shawn, I'm just making sure you won't be able to resist." Shawn chuckled softly and hugged her from behind placing a soft kiss on her strawberry smelling hair.
"I won't. Don't worry. But just to not make you sad ever again."
"I know you won't."
"Good." He whispered again not pulling away from the hug. He knew he was going to miss her hug when he was gone. Her beautiful blue eyes. Her curly blonde hair which smelled like strawberries that he liked playing with when she was asleep. Her smile, her soft skin... He was going to miss everything about her when he was gone. And that was what he was fearing.

Losing her.

Even though he knew she would never leave him, especially now, he couldn't help but think like that. What if she falls out of love? What if she looses her interest in him? What if-
"Shawn? Are you there?" Jess waved her hand in front of his face pulling Shawn out of the thoughts that lost his sleeps over.
"I'm here honey."
"Well you clearly don't like like that." She paused looking at his face with eyes filled with worry and fear. She placed her hands on both sides of his head and continued;
"Babe what's wrong? Tell me." Her breathing became faster every second Shawn kept silent.
Shawn looked away. He didn't want to answer.
"Shawn please." Her voice was cracking and tears were building up in her eyes.
"I'm scared, Jess. I'm scared. I'm scared of loosing you. I'm scared of coming back and not finding you. I'm scared of-" again, before Shawn could finish his sentence, their lips were locked. They could both taste the saltiness of their tears, that made their ways from their cheek to their lips.
Soon after, Jessica's legs were wrapped around Shawn's torso as they walked towards their bed.
His thumb was gently stroking her cheek. She was half asleep. Her eyes were shut but he knew she could hear him. She slowly opened her eyes again to look at him.
"Come here," he whispered and she did as he said. He wrapped his hands around her and squeezed her.
"I love you." Jessica mumbled against his bare chest.
"I love you too. Don't ever forget that ok?"
"Ok." She whispered.
"C'mon let's just get up. We don't have much time." Shawn said straightening up.
"I don't want to."
"Oh is that so?" Shawn chuckled raising his brows.
"You were the one that was trying to get me out just a while ago. What's changed?" He crawled back into the bed pulling her from her arms. She mumbled something but then got up. They both took a shower and got dressed.
Jess took a glance at her phone just to check the time. She sighed softly. She had never imagined things to be this difficult he when she was actually telling Shawn to go. But this time she was saying the things she had said to Shawn to herself.
This is the best
"We have to go."
"Go downstairs and I'll be right back." Shawn smiled softly and Jessica disappeared, only her footsteps to be heard. Shawn looked at himself at the mirror. His hair was still wet but they looked good. He put on his cologne, his engagement ring and combed his hair for the third time that day.
He ran downstairs to see Jess with a cup of coffee and a cup of tea in her hands. She handed him his coffee.
"Thank you babe."
She blew him a kiss. They finished their drinks slowly. But both of their eyes were on the clock.
It was 9:37 when Shawn carried his luggages to his Jeep. He didn't want Jessica to cary anything heavy. She was so vulnerable for him, even though in reality she wasn't.

Shawn took one last glance at his condo and drove to the airport where everyone else was waiting for him.
"Are you excited or nervous?"
"I think both."
"Ah, I thought you'd be annoyed." Jess laughed and Shawn joined her.
"Well, I was annoyed at first but now when I think about it, it's not a bad idea. It's actually a good one."
"Haaa! You see! I'm always right!" Jess yelled waving her hand in the air and screaming like a little baby.
"Yes you are ma'am." Shawn shook his head chuckling softly. The whole drive they sang along with the song that were playing on the radio and jammed to them.
Shawn slowed down the car as they reached to the parking lot of the airport. They got off the car silently. Shawn  grabbed his luggages and walked to the entrance. The sound of the wheels of the luggages made while they walked on the pavement floor mixed with their thoughts like a muse. She rested her head on his shoulder breathing heavily.
Even though they pretended the otherwise, it was hard for the both of them. Jessica tried to stay strong and not show her feeling the whole time. She didn't like it but she knew she had to. Shawn was going through a hard time and she had to stay strong, at least for him after all he had done for her.
On the other hand, Shawn wasn't embarrassed to show his feelings. Especially around her. He could cry his eyes out, scream his lungs out and be himself, behave the way he felt around her.
"Hey!" waved Andrew as he walked towards Shawn and Jessica. He pulled them both in a hug.
"Hi Andrew!"
"Hi man. What's up?"
"Better now. I have to admit it that I was kinda hopeless."
"Andrew!" Brian hissed.
"So, when will you come back? Today is the 12th of May."
"31 September."
"Oh," there was an awkward silence of a few minutes. They never thought that it would be that long.
"I think it's time to say goodbye huh?" Cez said and everyone nodded.
Shawn started hugging everyone, saying a few words with it. He stopped in front of Brian and stared at him for a moment.
"Come here you idiot!" Brian yelled and pulled him into a hug.
"I'm gonna miss you asshole."
"But you can be sure that I definitely won't miss you." Brian said trying to hide the tears that were building up in his eyes.
"You can cry. That's fine."
"Who said I'm crying? I'm definitely not crying.  Like Thanos said, ImpOSiblE!"
Everyone laughed at Brian's comment.
"Sure thing."
Then it was finally Jessica's turn.
"Don't make it any harder." She said with a cracking voice.
"I won't." He said and pulled her to his chest. They stayed in the same position crying for a few minutes. Shawn tried to reminisce every single detail about her. He was gonna have his phone with him which was filled with his beautiful fiancée's photos but he couldn't help it. Jess slowly pulled away but immediately planted a kiss on his lips, and pulled away again not giving Shawn the time to process what was happening.
Everyone was watching them but they couldn't care less. He placed a kiss on her forehead and took a step back.
"You told me not to make it any harder."
"I know," she whispered.
He took another step back.
"Goodbye Jess."
"Bye Shawn," she waved with a hand and wiped his tears with the other.
"Guys jeez! You'll see each other in a few months!" They both smiled and Shawn started walking to the checkpoint. Jess and the others watched him disappear in the corridors of the airport.
Andrew put his arm around her shoulders and pushed her back.
"C'mon let's go."
"Ok," she mumbled and everyone started walking to the parking lot. They were all going to Shawn and Jess's condo. They didn't want her to be alone nor did she.
Shawn walked quickly thinking the thing that he told himself not to forget.
"How could I be so stupid?!" he suddenly yelled to himself. He dropped his luggages to the side and started running to the entrance. He got out but she wasn't there. He looked around as he tried to catch his breath. He got on his tiptoe and saw his Jeep in the parking lot.
She was still there.
He started running again. He almost hit a car, stopped to apologize and continued running.
"Jess! Jess!" He yelled but she couldn't here him.
She started the engine and got out of the lot. Shawn widened his steps and ran even quicker.
He was just a few meter away from her.
"Jess! Stop the car! Jess!"
Suddenly Jessica turned the radio off.
She pulled the car to the side so did the others who saw them. Everyone got out of their cars. Including Jessica.
"Shawn what's wrong? Why did you come back?" Andrew questioned. He didn't say a thing. He just bent down, rested his palms on his knees and tried to catch his breath. He lifted his hand and signaled 'one minute'. Everyone stared at him with question marks in their head.
"Jess I-"
"You what Shawn?" She asked again with a worried tone.
"I forgot to tell you something."
"Ok tell it to me now because otherwise you're gonna miss you're flight."
"You better start looking for a dress."
"Dress for what?" She asked confused.
"A dress for our wedding. Because the week after I come back, we're gonna get married honey."

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