Chapter 8

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"How's it going?" Isabel asked, finally stopping rolling on the needlework carpet and looking up at Shawn with pouted lips.

"Well, depends on whose side you're asking from," Shawn mumbled as he pulled his phone out of his pocket.

"Hm, your side then." she continued with a devilish grin playing on her lips.

"Great." he rolled his eyes and sighed pathetically. "39% to 61%, cookies are winning." he groaned and got up to sit next to Patch, who was sleeping on the couch. Isabel jumped from the carpet and stood in front of Shawn with wide eyes and an "o" shaped mouth.

"You're not serious, are you?"

"Dunno. Guess I am." he mocked and showed her his story. It was true. Muffins were defeated by cookies. She quickly covered her mouth with her hands, trying to stifle her giggles.

"What's so funny?" he groaned.

"You're losing isn't that funny enough?" she giggled and pulled Patch on her lap.

"Haha," Shawn mocked trying to find something to distract him from thinking about his defeat. The most interesting thing in the house was the antique piano in front of the window. Usually, he would have enjoyed pressing random keys on it, but now it was only bringing old memories back like a knife sinking deeper. He blinked a few times to pull himself out of his self-made void.

"Don't get your hopes up too soon because we still have time." he reminded Isabel.

"I know but still. Oh by the way, do you want something to drink?"

"Jasmine tea?" Isabel left the room with an approving nod. As soon as she was out of sight, Shawn got up to finish the observation he started earlier. Nothing was special about the house. It was like the one he was living in. Porcelain sets, wardrobes, couches and armchairs... The only thing that made it like home was the photos hanging on the walls or standing on the tables. It was obvious that her family had plans for her even before the universe did. Opposite of Shawn's life.

"There you go." Isabel handed Shawn his tea.

"Thanks." Shawn took a sip from his tea before spitting it back. It was like little dragons were blowing fire to his tongue.

"What the hell?! Are you trying to kill me?!"

"What? It's tea. Not iced tea. What were you expecting?" she giggled.

"Well, tea. I mean this is like 200 degree."

"Don't be so childish, Shawn. Just drink it and stop complaining." she sat back on the armchair with a loud groan, slowly putting her cup on the coffee table. Turning on heels with an eye roll, Shawn continued his house tour slowly sipping his jasmine tea. Isabel, on the other hand, who was too focused on her book only looked at Shawn from the corner of her eye. But it was impossible, even for her, to not be distracted by someone like Shawn. The way his face muscles moved when he frowned, how his swallow tattoo stretched when he moved his hand was all dazzling.

Isabel finally gave up trying to focus on her book Les Misérables when she realized Shawn was standing in front of the painting that meant a lot to her. He seemed thoughtful but interested at the same time. His head was busy with questions like why her parents looked way older than Isabel or were they her grandparents.

"Do you like it?"

"Yeah..." Shawn murmured, his eyes still glued to the painting hanging on the wall. Drops of sweat started forming on Isabel's forehead as the strange situation they were in started getting overwhelming for her. She tried to calm herself down with a few sips from her tea and reading a few lines from her book. Nothing worked though. Nothing could ease the pain in her chest and she knew it from experience.

"Do you want to go to the cafe and we can wait for the results with the others?" she asked rubbing the back of her neck.

"If you want to," Shawn turned around with one big step. "But I'd rather stay here just that you know" he added after a moment.

"Why?" Isabel asked frowning. A soft chuckle fell from Shawn's lips as he pointed at the air conditioner above the tv with his index finger.

"Don't know about you but I'm from Canada and I'm not used to this kind of hot. Even in June, the highest temperature is around   23°C (73.4°F)!"

"You better get used to it because you can't stay here for the next-what? Four months? Three months?"

"Four months" Shawn answered with a genuine smile.

"Yeah. Whatever. So now you gotta go out there and at least try. And I mean, It's not even that bad. I think you're overreacting and-" Shawn cut her off with a 'Woah' and raising both his hands.

"Okay okay calm down. Jeez, I'm coming." he grabbed his phone from the coffee table.

"Good." she opened the door with a proud smile. "You know I'm talking for your benefit. I'm trying to help you plus, you're the only one here from my age group so in some way you're like my best friend her. You get my point?" Another chuckle left Shawn's mouth.

"Or you're just trying to avoid talking about things that you don't like talking about. I have eyes in the back of my head and I'm a good observer. So you can't fool me."

"Blah blah blah," she mocked waving her hands in the air "just shut up and keep walking Mr Good Looking Psychologist. "

"Good looking eh?" Shawns's warming smile soon turned into a smirk.

"What?" Isabel seemed astonished and confused.

"You've just called me Mr Good Looking Psychologist."

"No, I didn't." it didn't take long for Isabel to start acting like a child again like she did when they first met.

"Yes, you did."

"No I- can we please cut it off?"


The rest of their way to the coffee shop was silent. Only the noises coming from far away and their echoing footsteps could be heard. It was hard for Isabel to catch up with Shawn's steps. Her two steps were equal to one of Shawn's. It wasn't a surprise to Shawn that Isabel was the one to break the silence after a few minutes that felt much longer.

"Would you mind slowing down a bit?" She stopped a few feet behind Shawn, standing with her hands crossed in front of her chest, like usual. Shawn turned around with a loud groan.

"If that's gonna make you feel better, you can walk in front of me and I'll walk slowly behind you. Okay?" Isabel rolled her eyes but still did as she was told. Shawn gently put his hands on her shoulders, careful enough to make sure that she was okay with it. And she was completely fine with his friendly touch that helped her walk faster.

"You know, it's not my fault that I was born this way. I wish I was tall like you but I'm not which is sometimes a disadvantage like I can't reach the upper cabinets without a chair or I can't walk fast."

"And it wasn't my choice to be this tall but I have to admit it, it's usually an advantage." they both laughed as their talk smoothed over. They talked about the silliest things that came to their minds, making them feel that the walk to the coffee shop was shorter and cooler.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2020 ⏰

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