Chapter 7

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His footsteps were echoing as he walked. The last he checked his phone to see what time it was, it was 1.37 AM. No wonder all the front porches that were filled just a couple of hours ago were now, invaded by the silence. But luckily, Patch didn't leave him alone even for a second. He joined him when Shawn when he was passing Mr and Mrs Anderson's house.

"Where ya goin', Patch?" Shawn giggled as if he was going to answer his silly question. Patch kept on walking carelessly from alley to squares with ornamental pools filled with greenish water with moss on the edges, made from marbles that had turned to a light tone of grey over time. He was trying to keep Patch near him even though the sky was pinkish. There were some other cats around, looking dangerous and wild. They reminded him of the street cats in Tom and Jerry. They were almost the same, but this time, they weren't on the screen, they were all real. But Patch was just a kitten which was the opposite of them. He was furry, his fur and his bright green eyes were shining. Shawn even had a leash with a gold-painted bell on it. He looked funny when he was running with that pink collar. He could actually guess that he was Isabel's cat just by looking at him and his collar.

His mind suddenly went to her. He owed her an apology. He took his anger out of her, and maybe even broke her heart.

He shook his head and sighed, continuing his walk wherever Patch was taking him. Nonstrikingly, Andrew was right once again. They had argued bazillion times. Shawn was trying to explain that he would never be able to spend a second without thinking about Jessica and Andrew tried to get that he was going to be okay and wouldn't think about Jess all the time in his head. It was sometimes annoying that Andrew was right almost all the time. He chuckled and continued their walk.

The hard stone surface under him made it difficult for him to walk, especially with his navy flip flops. After a fifteen-minute walk, he knew where they were going. To the crag, which he saw earlier that day in the boat. He assumed that Isabel was there as well since Patch barely left Isabel alone. The whole way to his house, Patch grovelled to Isabel and meowed. He was a faithful cat. They arrived at the crag a few minutes later. He was relieved. He was right. Isabel was there, sitting on a camp stool. Patch ran to her immediately still meowing, but louder this time.

"Awww! My baby! Where have you been you, naughty little boy? Awww you're so cute! Who's so cute?" Shawn couldn't help but giggle at her. She was talking with a childish tone, rubbing her nose to Patch's. Isabel suddenly jumped on her seat and turned around to face Shawn. Patch fell.

"Meow!" he meowed as his tiny body met the rocky surface.

"Good lord! What the hell were you trying to do?! you scared me half to death!" she laughed nervously.

"I- I'm so sorry I didn't mean to scare you. I just couldn't so I decided to go for a walk but then Patch joined me when I was passing Mr and Mrs Anderson's house, so I decided to follow him since he knows more than I do about this island and he brought me here." Shawn said, realizing that he had been holding his breath for a while. Isabel chuckled.

"You didn't have to explain it. I'm wonderful with it. I was actually starting to get bored." she pointed at the seat next to her. Shawn sat down.


"It's beautiful. Isn't it?" she smiled and turned towards him.

"I have no words." Shawn couldn't take his eyes off the beautiful view. The pinkish sea was shining with the rising sun. The clouds looked like colourful lines. Tones of pink, grey, orange, some blues here and there and the burning red sun behind all of them. Shawn swallowed, trying to get over his instant shock.

"So this is some kind of your secret place, huh?" she shook her head playfully.

"Eh, not really. Everyone knows this place, but none of them really comes here. It is even more beautiful when it's utter darkness. The stars reflect on the sea, and it's just-" Shawn cut her off to complete the sentence for her.

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