Chapter 4

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Shawn continued his beauty sleep on the boat. The boat moving on the waves felt like someone was rocking him on a rocking chair. When he finally decided to open his eyes from a fifteen-minute nap, he could see the island. Then the man turned towards him.
"We'll be there in a few minutes sir." Shawn nodded and started packing his stuff. All he wanted to do was to call Jessica. To tell her that he missed her, to tell her everything he felt but he knew he couldn't. He couldn't disappoint her again. 'Cause he knew if he did, things were never gonna be the same.
"Also, do you know where I can get the keys to my house? They said from a coffee shop but I don't know where exactly it is."
"Ah yeah sure. So when you start walking upwards, you'll see a street. There are a lot of restaurants, shops and stuff. It's in front of a fish restaurant. The man has a white moustache and most probably there will be other people in front of the shop playing card game but if you can't find him, ask some other people who live there. They'll show you the way." Shawn nodded again slowly as he noted down all the things the man had just told him. A few minutes later they arrived. The man helped him take out his luggage and left, only leaving a white line on the bright blue sea.
Shawn stood there for a while trying to remember what he had to do. But he couldn't. So he started walking through the narrow alleys of the island that was a stranger to him. Local people running from side to side minding their own business, most probably none of them had noticed Shawn, standing there without the slightest clue of what he had to do. Old ladies were sitting on rush mat chairs waving their fans with wet dresses with floral patterns on them. They looked so cute, but a bit different than her granny. The houses coloured with every colour of the rainbow looked like pieces of cotton candies on a big cloud of white houses with mostly blue or brown fine wood blinds. He was carefully observing every single detail of the island that was nothing but a stranger to him. He kept on walking still trying to remember what he was told to do. But he couldn't so he decided to look for a hotel.
Suddenly he had an epiphany.
There was no hotel there. He had to go to the coffee shop to get the keys to his new house, for the next couple of months. He shook his head chuckling.
How could he be so forgetful?
He didn't know the answer but that was something he was reminded of quite often. There were little shops, cafes, grocery stores that their sun blinds with the family names on them were bleach. The sun which had already caused him to sweat was burning his light skin. His hair was messy from the nap he had on the boat. His clothes were wizened and there was a stain on his black jean that could only be seen by him. A little present from the orange juice he had earlier in the airport. The reality was just like the ones in the photos.
With the soft touch on his leg, Shawn stopped.
He looked down scared. His face went pale. He didn't know what he thought it was but it definitely wasn't what he saw. A kitten. He smiled again. He was surprised how many times this island had already made him smile. He bent down carefully putting his guitars on top of each other. He caressed the cat slowly with his palms and the back of his hand.
"Hello, you cutie." The kitten murmured rubbing against his leg. His tale was swinging. He assumed he was happy by his actions. He chuckled again. His first friend on this island was just a kitten. A million thoughts were crossing his mind but the only one he could concentrate on was Jessica. The way he stroked the kitten's fur reminded him of the nights he spent stroking Jessica's hair and cheeks when she was asleep. He shook his head trying to brush off the thoughts that would only make the situation worse. He got up. The kitten only reminded him of her. The only person he ever needed. He grabbed his guitars and continued walking. After walking for a few more minutes, he stopped again and looked down.
"You again?"
The kitten looked up to him and then to the rocky road. Its eyes were beautiful. A special tone of green and its brown fur shining perfectly under the burning bright sun.
"You wanna come with me? You wanna be my friend?" He laughed. Surprisingly the kitten miaowed. Shawn laughed again.
"Is that a yes?" He looked back at his little friend. It looked back.
"Come with me then."  The whole journey to the coffee shop, Shawn thought for a name for the cat and finally came up with one as he got closer and closer.
"You like the name Misty?" He questioned. The cat didn't lookup.
"You don't like it?" The cat looked down as he walked. Shawn pursed his lips and frowned.
"Shadow?" No answer.
"Oreo?" No answer.
"Sammy?" He asked hopefully. The cat stopped with Shawn and looked up.
"You like it?" The cat miaowed.  

"I knew it!" He laughed and gathered everyone's attention to himself once again.
"Sorry," he mouthed and continued walking embarrassed. He winked. His day was going better than he thought. Things around him were keeping him busy. Which only made things easier for him.

After walking for good another quarter with Sammy, Shawn could now see the bleached sunblinds of the coffee shop he was told. It said something on it that, of course, he couldn't understand. He speeded up his steps. 'Cause with every step, he felt like his burden was getting heavier. Especially the guitars in his hands. Sammy seemed to be fine with catching up with his fast steps. He wished he could just send Jess a picture of him. He didn't realize he was standing in front of the shop when he was looking at the ground. There were a few tables filled with groups of men playing card games. All of them were middle-aged with white hair and moustaches like fluffy cotton.
Except for someone different.
A girl smiling and grinning looking at her cards. He got on his tiptoes to get a clearer view of her cards. Her cards were real good. There was no doubt she was going to win. Suddenly a gentle hand on his arm pulled him out of his thoughts.
"Shawn right?" An aged man with again, a white- greyish moustache asked.
"Yeah, yeah that's me." The man nodded with a genuine smile on his wrinkled face.
"Andrew told me that I could easily recognize you from your guitars and luggage but I didn't expect this much guitar." They both laughed. With the edge of his eye, he looked at the girl who was still busy with her game. Like he had predicted, she was winning. Shawn looked back at the man who had his hand stretched out to him. He shook his hand.
"I'm Ahmet."
"I'm Shawn, as you know." The man laughed again.
"Come on in. I'll give you the keys and someone can accompany you to your new house." Shawn nodded and walked in. There were blue, white and red checked tablecloths on dark wood tables and rush mat chairs. Ahmed walked to a desk and pulled out a bunch of keys. He spent a few moments trying to find the one for his house. He pulled out one with a blue tag on it.
"There you go." He handed Shawn his keys. Ahmed pushed him outside, his belly going outside before him. Shawn tried to hold back his laughter. He left Shawn there and walked to the tables. He talked to a few people. He was frowning but something else caught his attention. Sammy wasn't there. He started spinning around and walking around trying to find him.
"Sammy? Sammy where are you?" People were staring at him like he was a creep. Successfully, Shawn managed to find him again miaowing around, just like him. He decided to think that he was calling for him too. He stroked his soft fur and started walking with him again.
"C'mon Sammy."
They came back to the cafe.
"Ah, there you are Shawn!" Ahmed said opening his arms like they were going to hug but something caught his attention. The girl he had seen earlier was now, standing behind him with her cute white lace dress.
"She's going to accompany you to your house." And with that, he left the two of them alone. Shawn made the first move. He stretched out his hand for her.
"Hey, I'm Shawn. Nice to meet you." She shook his hand with the warmest smile Shawn had ever seen and spoke;
"Hi, I'm Isabella. Nice to meet you too."

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