Letter #1.

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Dear stranger,

Today is a little odd, don't you think? The sun is just a little bit brighter than usual and color seems to be even more vibrant, and maybe I've always been too caught up in myself to notice the inviting smell of spring, but it's there. And it's wrapping me in flower scents and vanilla clouds.

Or maybe the way I look at the world has changed. Like there's a shield of candy fogging my vision, making the world's flavor different, making it sweeter than it's ever been. Ever since my gaze met your sweet gaze all I've felt is peace. Like every road leads to a new opportunity.

We only know a few things about each other, and it'd be pretty creepy of me to tell you straight away that I kind of wanna build a future with you. So I decided to do this instead, I'll write you a letter every time cupid's arrow pierces me.

I wish that when you find this, you aren't weirded out or annoyed at me. I hope you don't figure out who I am until I'm ready.


                                                        -Secret admirer.

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