Letter #8.

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Dear sunflower,

I'm not gonna lie, it hurt a little to see my last letter thrown in the trash. Are you mad at me, sunflower? Is it because I insulted your friends? Or are you just done with my mess? I promise I'll confess at one point but right now...well, my face is a little bit messed up. I didn't show up to school yesterday, You probably didn't notice, though. That's okay.

I'm getting kinda used to being abandoned. Things seem to be getting worse in my life. I can't find comfort anywhere, not at school nor at home. And now even those papers I was once passionate about writing get crumpled up and thrown away. I hate that I'm still thinking you care about me, sunflower. I don't think my brain registers the fact you want nothing to do with me.

It doesn't matter, I guess. What matters is that you're healthy and happy. Even if you don't wear my necklace and ignore my presence. I just want to see you thriving and doing well.

-Your sun, I hope.

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