Letter #5.

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Dear sunflower,

I think you're getting frustrated with me and that's okay, I see why, You just want me to muster up some courage and approach you already. And every day I tell myself that I will do that but I'm never confident enough. You see, our dynamic is a little...complicated. It would be insane of me to just start up a conversation.

Your group of friends, they aren't the sweetest to me. Only you are. And your general aura is too high up the scales for me to match- I couldn't even if I tried (And trust me, I did). I just want to be able to speak to you without having pity looks thrown your way. I know you would never see me as someone worthy of your precious time and romantic energy.

And I've learned to accept that, I've learned to swallow whatever is left of my pride and just take whatever verbal shots your friends aim at my defenseless self with their gunpowder-filled mouths. I hope you don't think I'm insane.

  -Your sun.

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