Letter #6.

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Dear Sunflower,

Remember when I said your friends hurt me verbally? They don't anymore.

Hold your cheers, though.

They threw a punch today. I don't know why! I have never done anything to hurt them in any way. I tried to fight back but there were just too many of them, so much for that one karate class, I attended (before realizing that life wasn't for me). I told a teacher but all that got me was more...bullying, you could say.

I was told this issue wasn't that big of a deal, can you believe? The principal told me to fight for myself as if I could. It's a little screwed up how bad our school's system is. Actually, scratch that- it's extremely screwed up! The mistreatment we get is unbelievably wrong. I hope that changes one day.

Enough about me, though, I saw you overwhelmed with studying this morning, it felt like you were pushing yourself too far. Please remember to stay healthy during the exam season, okay? I don't want my sunflower to wilt.

  -With love, your sun.

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