Letter #7.

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Dear sunflower,

I haven't written to you for so long. I don't know if you've noticed, though. You seem to be really interested in those lousy friends of yours. They're all so bad. There's no other way to explain it. Yet, you stick around. I don't know if they've blinded your judgment or if you voluntarily choose to ignore all the pain they bestow upon many young kids around school.

I'm sorry if you're offended reading this but I'm just venting out the frustration that has been killing me slowly, my head has been going to very dark places lately, places normal humans aren't supposed to visit. I don't feel okay, sunflower.

It seems like spring has lost its color, months passed by and I don't see the beauty in life anymore. There's only sorrow. I'll be okay, though! Once I see your sweet grin in the cafeteria, even if you're sitting in between the very reason I'm miserable.

I hope you like my little sunflower necklace, I want you to wear it as a reminder that you're adored and loved, that you mean a lot to a certain somebody.

             -Your sun.

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