Chapter 9: Lucky

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~Luke's POV~

Calum handed Wynter back to the doctor as the nurse took her to the nursery in the hospital. Then all of a sudden Casi blacked out.

"Doctor!"I called. Calum and I had to exit the room.

Calum and I sit in the waiting room.

"I hoped this wouldn't of happened." I cried.

"What do you mean?" Calum asked sniffiling.

"Since she is so young their was a slight chance that her heart would overwork."

"I-Is she going to d-die?" He stuttered.

"I-I don't know. I-If she does, at least she got to see our daughter."

Calum and I hug each other and cry together. After about 20 minutes we calm down and the doctor approaches us.

"Mr. Hemmings, as you know your daughter is premature, but we have a problem." The doctor starts.

"W-What is it?" I ask.

"Her lungs are not fully developed so we have to keep her here until she is the correct weight and has fully developed lungs."

"So she's ok?"

"Yes. We have her in an incubator so she gets special treatment." He says.

(Funfact, I was 2 months early so i was premature and had undeveloped lungs. Almost died but im here :) )

"Thank You. Hows Casi? Is she ok?" I ask.

"She should be fine, her heart stressed a little bit which caused her to pass out, but she should be awake soon."

"Ok Thanks Doctor." I say as he walked away.

Calum and I walk into the nursery after getting special permission and looked at Casi and I's daughter.

"I never thought Casi and you would make a cute baby." Calum said

"Gee thanks!" I said sarcastically.

"You know what I meant!" He laughed

"Yea, I know. Hopefully we can take her home soon."

"Yea, I still can't believe I have a niece!"

Calum and I were just chatting then Casi came in the nursery.

"Your awake!" Calum and I both say as we go and hug her.

"Haha yea, I woke up like 15 minutes ago and wanted to see our baby girl." Casi said.

~2 months later~

We finally got to take Wynter home and she looked better than ever. She was the correct weight and her lungs have developed nicely. She was so adorable yet she did cry a lot.

~Casi's POV~

I was freaking out with happiness when the doctor told us she could finally go home. When we got home she was surrounded by friends and family. They threw a surprise party and when I came home to that I cried a little. She grew so much over the next few months. (pic on side) Her eye color even came in. Her eyes were a clear crystal blue like Luke's and she had dirty blonde hair. She had my pale skin and attitude. And by attitude I mean my mother said she acted almost exactly like me as a baby. Other then that she is a pretty happy baby.

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