chapter two

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"You bet I do. Try sitting in my place and memorize all these. You'll see how hard life is." I glared back.

This guy was starting to be annoying and I already saw that coming.

I won't look weak just because he was there to protect me.

Being protected doesn't mean I was vulnerable at all times especially by him himself.

Harry on the other hand suddenly put his phone down on the table with a thud making me flinched slightly.

I felt his aura changed completely.

It was as if a new person was here and not the Harry that was introduced to me minutes ago.

He leaned closer before frowning, making me turned flabbergasted in matter of seconds.

I could feel his hot minty breath against my face. He was THAT close.

He opened his mouth to talk.

"Have you ever been tied up and seeing your best friend get killed in front of you?" His jaw clenched and I saw anger flashed through his eyes.

I exhaled slowly before suddenly feeling small under his intense gaze.

That's not fair.

I can't win over that.

I wanted to talk back but his attack was too much.

Therefore, I shook my head and looked down.

"I thought so too. So don't teach me about how hard life is. I've gotten more bullets into my skin than you do, Stella. You have zero." His deep voice growled at me before backing away and took his phone again.

I gulped and bit my lip in fear and a hint of annoyance.

"Annoying trash." I murmured but hopefully, he wouldn't hear that.

I never thought Harry would be this kind of person. He was completely different from what I had expected earlier.

Screw the gentleman part.

"Shut it, Stella, and get back to your book." He caught my words.

I groaned inwardly but I knew I shouldn't be fighting with him right now. I have a lesson to finish-


Did he just call me by my name?

I turned to him once again with a confused expression plastered all over my face.

"Did you just call me by my name casually?"

He looked at me again with an unamused face.

"I can call you whatever I want. I don't play by your rules. Just so you know." He said plainly.

My brows knitted together at his words. It hasn't even been an hour yet he was already showing his true colors.

This piece of stupid fish.

I gripped the book in my hand and was about to fight back this time but Louis suddenly entered the room again.

"Princess, have you finished?"

I glared at him.

"No!" I roared.

Louis stared at me in surprise.

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