chapter three

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"Were you always this stubborn, Stella?" His voice remained calm.

I calmed myself down before looking up at him, meeting his green eyes.

He was definitely beautiful to look at but not his attitude.

"Were you always this rude, Harry?" I fired back in a polite manner.

He smirked before gritted his teeth.

"Yes." He responded with his cold icy expression.

I breathed out a heavy sigh.

I had enough.

"Please get out." I told him.

. . .

Harry stared at me in silence after hearing my words.

He was a bit taken aback but the look he was giving remained hard. I gazed up and glared at him until he finally walked outside and shut the door.

Upon that, I silently cried again to sleep.

Nobody would understand how I feel.

No one.

The next day I woke up, I felt a great terrible headache attacking me as soon as I sat upright on the bed. I stayed in bed for quite a while but not until someone came inside the room. I looked towards the door and Harry was walking towards me with his usual cold expression.

He was wearing a new fresh pair of black suit with his white shirt tucked inside the pants this time. The earpiece was hanging on his ear. His cologne began filling my nose and it smelled so masculine yet strong.

I groaned inwardly and rolled my eyes.

He was the last person I wanted to see in the morning.

"You should wake up now, Stella. You've been in bed for a long time." he spoke.

I sighed before closing my eyes.

"I can't." I simply answered.

I could feel his burning gaze penetrating right through me even without looking.

"Why not?" he sounded intimidating.

My frown grew.

"My head hurts. I feel dizzy." I answered with such difficulties.

"That's because you refused to eat last night. Your body didn't get enough nutrients, that's why." he explained as if to let me know it was my own fault for ruining myself like this.

"Harry please," I paused and opened my eyes to glare at him.

"the last thing I want to hear right now is you nagging about my health."

Harry sighed before getting outside for a moment and I thought he had left for good but suddenly he came back with two white pills and a glass of water in his holds.

He put the glass on the nightstand beside the bed before helping me to sit upright.

At first, I flinched at his touch and he noticed it but proceeded to continue anyway. It felt foreign yet comforting at the same time.

I felt the bed sinking soon after and turned only to see him sitting on the bed as well.

He then handed me the pills and took the glass again.

I stared at the two white pills in my hand.

"Is this some kind of drug or what?" I innocently asked making him raised his eyebrows.

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