Chapter 6

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A loud snap.

A high pitched wail.

Honey knew someone was one foot shorter that instant and the Trapper all but dragged her along after them. She couldn't help feeling like a scolded child the way he gripped the Sherpa collar of her coat.

She pouted much in the same way.

The Trapper was a tense wall of bricks, unrelenting to her charm, if it could be called that. Not a feint of amusement between the grim smile and shark teeth. Just a pissed off murderer.

Honey hurried along under his grasp, trying her best not to fall behind and be quite literally dragged across the estate. Even with her best effort she was often leaving grooves in the dirt by her toes.

"This isn't humiliating at all," she said with great sarcasm.

"If this were any other trial - I'd put you on the hook myself," he growled.

As if it were his intent, he paraded her along past one of those mangled posts where a whimpering woman hung clutching at the blade that pierced her chest. Honey recognized her from the shadows around the generator, the girl who had partnered with David in a fool's errand to bring life back to the old thing.

She looked down at Honey in pained confusion.

Honey could only offer her condolences with a grimace.

A hollow metallic sound echoed over the Estate as one of those generators hummed to life. A pool of yellow light washed over the fields and broken old buildings. The shadows retreated, hugging closely to their remnant stocks of windows and empty door frames, no longer offering their kind embrace to the monsters that skulked within them. As if this were her fault, The Trapper rudely yanked Honey forward.

"Five," he said on a voice burned by whiskey and fire, "they need five before She lets them escape."

"Which is...bad?"

She needn't see the moue, she felt it in her soul.

"You'll be alone on your trials," he said, "this is only a courtesy," he said, and gratefully so, "if you can't kill a single one of them - you won't last long."

"What happens then?"

He didn't answer.

Honey quirked a brow, "You don't know, do you?"


There was discomfort in his silence, not quite fear, but an unsteady ignorance. Honey didn't like that. It was a very terrifying reminder that the top of the food chain - wasn't always so cut and dry. Even crocodiles had their enemies.

"Ah, I get it," she said, "so that's one, right?" She jerked a thumb over her shoulder, indicating the woman on the hook, "And how many more of them are there?"

"Three more," said the Trapper. His grip relaxed and Honey felt her feet beneath her own autonomy once more. "She brings them as a group of four - and only one of us."

"That's a little unfair," said Honey, like no sane person would ever say.

"You'd be surprised."

"I'd rather not be," said Honey.

A few feet ahead of them struggled the silhouette of another woman. Red braids hung about her face as she struggled with the bear trap clamped tightly about her ankle. She had been crying, still was, cursing to herself between the whimpers.

She'd gotten her fingers between the teeth and had managed to pull it apart just a few inches. Not enough to slide her foot out, but enough to relieve the pain and bring about some semblance of hope. Until she saw the Trapper.

She had known he was coming, expected it the moment she stepped into the proverbial shit. It still shocked her all the same, knowing now the time she had to escape was slipping so very quickly between her fingers. And just as it was, so did the bear trap.

It snapped shut again, digging deeper into her flesh with a sickening squealsh! She screamed, falling onto her butt in the dirt as fresh tears took her over. No matter how many times it had caught her off guard it still hurt all the same. No amount of trials would stop that.

She scrambled back as far as the trap would allow her, metal scraping along the ground as the Trapper's boots settled there before her. The lamps of the powered generator cast an eerie pal over him, only the stark edges of a grisly mask.

Honey, behind him, juxtaposed terror with pepper.

He gave pause to the moment, allowing it to weigh heavy in the air amidst pleading sobs. Then, turned just enough to pass the moment on to Honey.

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