Chapter 11

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The Trapper could hear her breathing, soft and heavy as she drifted off to sleep, somehow comforted with his presence between her and the outside world. He couldn't say he outwardly liked her, but there was something annoyingly charming about her - and utterly strange. She wasn't a killer, but he could sense her purpose, just as the fog had, and understood, if only in part, why the Entity had chosen her.

He turned his gaze back to the window, watching the shadows that watched him back without so much a care or worry. These were their only times of leisure, left to their own comforts while their prey huddled around an eternal bonfire and tried to forget their fates. Jed had tried to initiate some kind of get together like that between the killers, which only ever resulted in one or two showing up. The Trapper had never been one of them, but Susie had told him enough to solidify his choice of absence.

Cheap drinks and pissing contests between Legion: which of them was the better killer, who garnered the most favor from the Entity. High-school levels of bullshittery like that.

Susie only ever attended at Frank's behest, to be honest, she admitted, they made her uncomfortable, arguments toeing dangerous lines. Killing survivors was one thing, to start shit with unhinged, half drunk cold blooded murderers was another thing.

The Trapper never tried to comfort her either, but just like Honey, she had still thanked him for being there.

And just like him, Myers wasn't one to seek out company either, and truth be told, no one had the balls to invite him. Even Jed became schoolgirl shy whenever Frank teased him about the Shape. Everyone tiptoed his presence, something not afforded to every killer, knowing that even they maintained some semblance of humanity.

But Myers was something else entirely.

The Trapper knew his presence within the Estate wasn't accidental. He was truthful in his guess that he merely shared interest in the sudden arrival of a new villain. What he didn't mention was the impending trial that would swallow both Honey and Haddonfield's Boogeyman.

An uncomfortable feeling crept up on him. Guilt, he figured, and did his best to brush it off. She would be fine, so long as she followed his instructions.

Honey shifted about in her sleep. She flipped about and fell against the Trapper's arm, seemingly unbothered by the shrapnel that pierced his skin.

He scowled, but let her alone, resigned to his fate as a pillow until the Entity called her from him.

Frank was a curious thought though, the man had successfully taken a group of misfits and turned them into killers. Even Susie, the bleeding heart of the group had managed to plunge her knife into a few. Maybe he'd take Jed up on his next get together and introduce Honey. If he couldn't change her, Frank certainly could.

She only had to survive Myers first.

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