Chapter 26

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Every good party has an ending.

This was no good party - and Evan was glad to see it end.

Pieces were gathered and neatly tucked away, the game lid gently slipped over its box, sealing away entertainment for another night with a soft sigh.

They weren't kind enough to clean up their empties or the cigarette butts left on the porch railing, Evan didn't care, nor did he expect any better of them. Legion had yet to grow out of that rebellious, anarchist phase and he doubted they ever would.

Except of course, Susie.

He could never compare her soft heart to their vicious crimes. Even with blood on her hands, the red seemed so much more ... pink.

"Don't be a stranger" Jed gave a wink at the door, smiling at Honey like a shark.

Amanda offered a nod.

"Be seeing you," Frank said, his entourage nodding with all the enthusiasm they could afford.

They closed the door behind them, creeping fingers of fog severed by its latch.

There was quiet, a sweet and empty nectar, decorated in empty beer cans and mismatched chairs where the ghosts of killers once sat. It was difficult to say the night had come to a close, when daylight was a precious memory saved only for the living.

Honey had come to terms with that rather quickly, as time didn't move quite as it should and dawn never broke on the horizon, only more night, absolute and unending.

She swallowed it down like a hard shot of whiskey, never letting the flavor touch her tongue, knowing the burn would turn her. The moment she stopped, so too would the world, and that meant acknowledging the truth of the matter.

"Well..." she said with a huff, "they could have at least picked up their trash."

Evan was silent, no surprise there, but Honey had gotten used to that too and had already begun picking up the pieces of their night.

"I can see why you don't like them," she said.

Evan furrowed a brow as he watched her.

She had been so genuine in her hospitality, joining them in their games, laughing along with them at their jokes, and yet...she shared a similar sentiment in distaste.

"That Frank's a piece of work," she said, "Julie too. They're not too good at hiding it either. Guess I shouldn't have really expected much different," she shrugged, "they're all killers," she paused, "oh...I suppose I am too."

She looked at the empty Unbranded beer can in her hands.

"Yes," Evan said.

"I did it so easily too," she said, "I didn't even think about it, I just did it. I've never been like that. It's not like that guy, uhm, David, did anything particularly terrible..." she gathered up the rest of the empties as if the work might distract her thoughts, surprised when the Trapper's hand gently stopped her.

"Oh..." the sound escaped her.

For the most part the dark aspects of this realm had only been violent and brutish, manhandling her about their trials in unkindness. A monster among monsters. There was no need for pleasantries. stood one of the Entity's wolves, offering his sympathy in the only way he knew how.

"Ah well," she mustered up some of her cheer, "I guess it's just something I'll have to get used to ... yikes. Never thought I'd say something like that. Ha!" She chuckled. "Guess I'll have to get my coat back at some point too," she said, looking down at the oversized flannel she had borrowed, "I love your shirt, I really do, but I can't really play up the whole Candyman thing with it," she grinned, "don't worry, I'm not going to ask for your help," she waved, "I can handle the big bad Bogeyman all by myself," she puffed up her chest.

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