Chapter 2- "A new life"

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The wind grew stronger as the S.H.I.E.L.D chopper was making a safe landing on the rooftop of the Building. It was an amazing experience and a preferable one for the doctor rather than being way up in the high sky on the Helicarrier. But as Bruce takes a careful step onto the pad wearing tan dress pants, brown shiny dress shoes, a brown plaid shirt with rolled up sleeves and having a little stubble facial hair. It has been a week since Bruce had stepped out of Starks Tower.
As ten S.H.I.E.L.D soldiers were armed with their automatic weapons in full gear masked up, a Director Fury has stepped up in the front of the line while the chopper blades slowed down from spinning.

"Stand down, I have faith that our brilliant Scientist will feel calmed and relax, if not? We can make sure that your stay is suitable and do whatever we can to make sure that you feel safe

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"Stand down, I have faith that our brilliant Scientist will feel calmed and relax, if not? We can make sure that your stay is suitable and do whatever we can to make sure that you feel safe." The Director said as he shook Bruce's hand.
Bruce nodded shaking back after letting go. "So I'm assuming after reading your email that I'm gonna be in charge with running blood work."

"That is correct, simple and easy. Maybe this could be some good use to get out for a while, bring back the doctor who loves and has a passion for Gamma radiation, the experiments, the designs, your own work Dr Banner." He said to Bruce.

Bruce looked at him trying not to rub his wrists due to his anxiety. "Well then... let's get to work shall we?" Smiling his way to hide his anxiety, fearing the unknown of any possible thing that could trigger his anger.
He makes his way down with Fury as he is shown his lab as other scientists were recording down data from their own studies and such.

"Wow... this is a big lab for sure..." as he looked up at the charts hanging on the wall as he reads the main study. 'Super Soldier Blood reactions'
He raised a brow. "We got data from other blood samples... reaction to the serum?" Bruce asked turning to Fury.

"While we have the serum still in our hands, we taken up the measures of doing some blood tests, reactions on how the serum will make contact with test subjects. Not the people physically yet, but just their blood samples. To see how we can take this info and put it in good use... if down along the line we do have another Captain America, are they willing to take the risks? Are they willing to go through some possible procedures to have increased strength, agility, speed?" He asked as he explained himself crossing his arms standing next to the door way.

"Is there a specific blood type that could have a funny reaction to the serum?" The doctor asked as he puts his glasses on.
"That is where you come in. Maybe things have changed back then, but researching is what helps us today. I think you will do great." Fury said to him as pointed the way to the lab coats.
"I guess it's show time." He said in little confidence as he walked over towards the lab coat rack and puts one on feeling a little happy. It's been long since he actually felt like a real scientist in full gear.

As Fury walked away, "Break will be at the cafe at 12:15pm boss

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As Fury walked away, "Break will be at the cafe at 12:15pm boss. These guys will remind you." he said walking away letting The doctor do his thing.

Bruce rubbed his hands as he then folds them slowly walking over a table as a female scientist smiled handing him the data hypothesis on the blood work.
"It's an honor to work you Doctor, hopefully we can make you feel welcomed." The young lady said tightening up her ponytail. Bruce smiled a bit as he flipped over a page and then looks at her.
"Trust me you did." Speaking softly to her.

"How so?" The young lady asked.
"Because I haven't been called a freak yet in person..." he replied back in a soft tone fixing his glasses. But after that reply, she felt a little sad and sympathetic towards the doctor as she pats his back.
"One day a time" she said softly as she smiled walking away with her clipboard.
Bruce turned over the last page of the packet as he was skimming through at some key points. But just as he was ready to sit down at the table next to the filing cabinets, his cell phone alerted him of a text message. A brand new iPhone given to him for work and Personal, a gift from Fury on the behalf of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Get ready for a new life Doc, looking forward to work with the both of you, of course mainly You."
-Natasha :]

The text message was read quietly by Bruce as he smiled a bit learning that the message was sent from The famous Black Widow. For some reason, he felt butterflies in his stomach like if he were trying to be prepared to talk to a crush of his. He felt bad of how the other guy hurt her by accident, hopefully not on purpose, but in the near future, the two will work together on good terms like back in New York.

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