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Finally, I've come out of my depression long enough to start hanging out with my friends again. They've banded together to keep me busy, so I don't go back to moping around, and I've gone out every night with my mom's blessing. I still have yet to take her advice and reach out to Drew, though.

It isn't entirely my fault. This fool went to jail for domestic violence of all things, fooling around with Vanessa. She claims he hit her during an argument, but she didn't call the police until the next day, and she doesn't have any bruises.

I know Drew well enough to know he would never put his hands on a girl. He'd walk away first. Then again, if he has enough alcohol in his system, he can be a little aggressive. He still wouldn't hurt her though.

Rumor has it, the reason she had him arrested was because he tried to leave her house during an argument about her catching him sleeping with Kim. SHOCKER. She didn't want him to leave, so she blocked the door to keep him there and held him hostage for three hours before he finally forcibly removed her from the door. He didn't hit her, but he did grab her pretty hard to move her. Mad, and being the lying sack of crap, she is, she lied to the police and told them he hit her, only to later recant her accusation.

I feel bad for Drew, but I remind myself that his issues are no longer my problem. Andrew Taylor is no longer my problem. I'm currently picking up the pieces of my shattered heart and welding them back together. I'm working on meand fixing everything that broke when Drew ghosted me.

I kept the truth from him, and that's on me. Now I have to live with it and hope he comes around, because my intention was never to hide anything from him. In fact, I was going to tell him. I just needed time to prepare myself for whatever his reaction might be. Which, it turns out, wasn't good.

Now I'm stuck with having to tell my dad and Mia, who shelled out thousands of dollars for a wedding that may not ever happen, about my issues with Drew.

Mia flew into town with Sean to pamper me with a massage, a facial, a new wardrobe, and getting my hair done. While I'm sure I'm glowing on the outside, on the inside there's still this deep void where Drew used to be that I can't seem to fill no matter how hard I try. And when I come home to my bed at night, I'm haunted by sweet moments Drew and I shared. On top of that, I still haven't been able to get any good sleep.

I haven't broken down though, and I'm starting to wonder if maybe I'm emotionally retarded. I mean, I feel the pain of our breakup, I just have no outward reaction to it. It doesn't seem real to me either. It almost feels like a bad nightmare I have yet to wake up from.

Part of me wonders if Drew is even still in there because hearing the stuff he puts up with nowadays, the Drew I know would have been ghosted Vanessa's crazy ass. Maybe this is what he needs. I mean, he has no problem ghosting me for being too scared to tell him something, but he keeps looney tunes around even after she had him thrown in jail. If it wasn't for my dad and Mia stepping in to help his mom make those charges go away, he'd have a record right now. But he doesn't know that. When I asked them to step in and help him, it was because I didn't want Vanessa to ruin his life.

Regardless of where we're at right now, he deserves to have his dreams come true. He's worked hard his whole life to build himself as a brand, and I'd hate to see his hard work go to waste. But he's not doing himself any favors sleeping with someone who's certifiably a nutcase.

My friends think I should stop coming to his rescue because he needs a wakeup call, but I know he's just hurting. This is what he does. He gets hurt and he shows his ass. But something has to give, because once again, Drew and Vanessa are arguing in the parking lot before school.

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