Love triangle (finn, rachel and quinn)

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A loud bang echoed through the halls as Quinn slammed Rachel's locker, scaring the small brunette. They both stared at each other for a few seconds before Quinn angrily spoke. "Listen here Man Hands, I'm having Finn's baby and you need to back the hell off." Rachel sighed in utter annoyance. "Do you really think I'd try and steal someone who's having a child? I can't believe you think I'd do that! Honestly, Quinn, what kind of person do you think I am?"
"The kind that has a freaking picnic date in the auditorium and tries to make out with them. You don't think I didn't see use? You were all over him. Leave. Him. Alone. Before things get heated" Quinn looked her up and down before walking away. Rachel had to reopen her locker, because the "queen bee" had slammed it on her, and the whole time she was scavenging through it, she couldn't get the thought out of her head that Quinn was most certainly going to kill her if she hung around Finn again.

Rachel shut her locker and shook her head, Finn and her are the glee club captains, so of course they're gonna be together. Then it came to her, Quinn saw her and Finn kiss in the auditorium, which means she's definitely going to get slaughtered by Quinn Fabray, with the help of Santana Lopez. Great, now she had to fear for her life walking down the halls, making sure there was no Quinn or Santana in sight. She's too young to die, she hasn't even made it to broadway yet!

Glee club
Everyone was seated in their seats waiting for Mr. Schue. Finn and Quinn were sitting next to each other, holding hands while Rachel sat behind them. Pouting, knowing that, that could've been her with him. Mr. Schue walked in all cheery as usual, and like always, it was Rachel who always listened. Everyone always wondered why they don't get solos, and it's probably because they don't show as much passion for glee club as Rachel does. Well, that's what Rachel likes to think anyway. "Alright, sectionals! Our two leading solos are gonna be...... Quinn and Finn!" Mr. Schue excitedly exclaimed. Everyone clapped and cheered expect for one Rachel Berry, who slumped in her chair and crossed her arms.
"Yes, Rachel?" Mr. Schue sighed, knowing what was wrong. "I just don't see why you'd give Quinn the leading role, we're going to lose Mr. Schue!" Rachel complained. "You're not going to get every solo Rachel, everyone here has to get a chance" He told her seriously "now! Before there are any interruptions, we need to get practicing!"

After school (school parking lot)
Rachel and Finn were talking about glee stuff, then he brung something up that caused Rachel to nearly choke on her on spit. "Rachel, I love you.... Do you want to go out?" All Rachel could do was stare at him, I mean he has a girlfriend who is carrying HIS child!! "Y-you're dating Quinn, and she's having your child Finn. You can't do that to her, I can't do that to her! She'll murder me" "who will murder you?" A familiar voice demanded, with a smirk on their face. Finn rolled his eyes while letting out a huge sigh. "Quinn, leave Rachel alone, please" "No. I only came here to tell you that you need to choose, between Rachel and I" Quinn crossed her arms. "What?! I can't do that" He shouted in shock and confusion, he didn't know who to choose and he didn't know why she was forcing him to do this. He always was clueless. "I'm with Quinn, you can't ask me out when you're dating someone. It's me or her" Rachel joined Quinn and crossed her arms. "I'm sorry, but you asked her to go out with you while you're dating me?" Quinn raised and eyebrow and started to get even angrier and upset. "I don't know! I'm confused, my feelings are all over the place. Look, I love you both, and I want to be with you both-" "You can't. Choose one" Quinn cut him off. "I just don't know who" Finn finished, talking a little louder so they'd both hear him out. "One of you is literally having my child and the other is just someone I really, really like" he smiled when he made eye contact with Rachel. "I'm sorry, but you don't like me?" Quinn snapped. "Fine, whatever, date Rachel, coz I'm freaking done with you" Quinn ran off, meeting up with Santana and Brittany who were waiting for her by the school entrance.

Rachel turned to Finn and furrowed her eyebrows, she knew it wasn't right to just start dating him. She liked him, like a lot, to the point where she may have scared him when he first joined glee club, but she knew she couldn't just date him right off the bat after all of this happened. "Look, Finn, I like you, but I can't date you right now. If we're both still single by sectionals though, then maybe we can date after we win" She smiled before turning away and walking to her dad's car, leaving Finn with a shocked expression. Both the girls just walked off on him, they wanted him to decide and yet they just decided for him. His brain couldn't comprehend anything that was happening right now, except for what Rachel said. "If we're both single by sectionals, then maybe we can date" He repeated what she had said, with a little smirk on his face.

Well that's the first one shot! I don't think any of it made sense and that's probably because of where I started it. I hope you enjoyed it though :)

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