Truth or dare

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The room was filled with laughter and cheers as the glee club was playing truth or dare in Rachel's basement.

"Okay! Hummel, you aren't getting let off the hook. Truth or dare?" Rachel asked the terrified looking Kurt.

"TRUTH!" He accidently shouted, the room just burst into laughter at their friend.

"Alright. Have you ever kissed a girl?" Rachel asked.

Kurt calmed down, his tense shoulders lowering. "Oh, that's easy. Never" He simply replied. "Truth or dare.... Tina"

"Uhh, dare" Tina replied.

Kurt nodded. "I dare you to run out onto the street and shout as loud as possible that you have diabetes".

Everyone in unison went "ooooooo". Tina nervously agreed and got up, with everyone following behind. Everyone made their way into the lounge room to look out the window at their friend. Tina went to the middle of the road and just shouted without hesitation.

"I'VE GOT DIABETES!!!" Tina shouted then started running back inside as fast as she could.

The glee kids ran back into the basement, all giggling on their way down.

"Alright, alright! Sam, truth or dare?" Tina asked him.

"I'll go with truth". Sam replied.

"Are you really insecure about your lips?" Tina asked, the room fell quiet.

It took a minute for him to finally speak, because at first he didn't know what to say, or how to say it.

"I guess, i mean i wasn't until i came to this school, everyone here started making fun of my lips, telling me they were enormous! so, yeah, i guess you could say i'm a bit insecure" Sam confessed.

"Well they are, Trouty mouth" Santana smirked, but her smirk faded when she got a death glare from Brittany. "Sorry" Santana mumbled.

"Truth or dare Quinn?" Sam asked, ignoring Santana.

"Truth" Quinn quickly replied.

"Do you wish you had kept Beth?" Sam nervously asked.

Quinn frowned. "Everyday, but i know i couldn't have looked after her, i mean i'm always at school coz of cheer and glee club. I also just don't think i would have been a good mum" Quinn shrugged her shoulders.

"You would have been a great mother" Puck said, putting a hand on Quinn's leg.

"Okay, moving on. Truth or dare Brittany?" Quinn quickly went back to the game.

"Dare!" Brittany excitedly exclaimed.

Quinn smirked. "I dare you to start the party up, because truth or dare just isn't a good game to do all night" Quinn chuckled.

Everyone besides Rachel all got up and started cheering, Brittany started stripping and running around in her bra, Puck went and got all of the alcohol, and everyone else dance to the music, Finn had turned up.

"Guys! Why cant we just have a quiet-ish party?" Rachel tried to speak over the music. "Also, everyone's already had two cups of alcohol, put it back Puckerman!" Rachel scolded Puck.

"Rachel Quinn's right, we cant just sit around and play truth or dare all night! Let loose a little and just have fun" Puck said, pouring some vodka into red solo cups for everyone. Rachel sighed, realising he was right, i mean it's a party after all.

"Get all the alcohol out of my parents cupboard!" Rachel shouted loud enough for everyone to hear. Everyone obeyed and just started downing all the alcohol.

Rachel couldn't help but think, how did a game of truth or dare end up here? High school parties are weird.

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