Insane Asylum

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"Do we have to go to an abandoned insane asylum?!" Mike asked Puck, Finn and Sam.

"Technically no, but i figured it'd be an experience. Also, we're here, so it'd be pointless to turn back and go home" Puck stated.

Mike sighed, looking up at the huge building in front of them. It was like four high schools had been put together- BIG HIGH SCHOOLS. The insane asylum was run down, the paint on the outside was all scratched and starting to come off, where as the front entrance had been bashed in, there was glass and litter all over the place, barred windows, some bars on the doors. It was creepy enough on the outside, none of them could imagine what it would look like on the inside.

They all took deep breathes before heading inside. All of them nearly tripping as soon as they entered with how much garbage was on the floor. You couldn't even see the floor! Mike found himself having to hold his nose, while Sam, Finn and Puck were happily breathing in all of the dust and horrid smells that were in here.

"I think this is where the front desk is" Finn says, as they went further down the hall to a wider room with a desk in the middle.

"You don't say" Sam nodded in agreement.

"Where are the rooms?" Puck wondered. Trying to read the signs hanging from the ceiling, but it was no use, dust had already claimed them.

"Hey guys, let's go down there" Mike pointed to one of the hallways.

"That's the way we came in?" Sam chuckled.

"Oh, i know. I don't want to be here!" Mike complained.

The boys ignored their fellow friend, walking down a hallway, leaving Mike having to run just to catch up to them. They went down a little further, before finding a different hall that led to a whole bunch of patient rooms. They were small, had no windows whatsoever, not even a window on the door. No beds, concrete flooring, brick walls. This side must have been the place where they put the worst patients, if they were getting treated like that. Because they knew darn well that a whole bunch of these rooms had windows. They saw them outside!

"It's terrible, how they treated everyone in here" Finn said, just staring at the wall in sadness. "They could have at least had good beds, a sink, a toilet, a small window, and arts and crafts supplies. Because i know they can't do too much for them, for what they've most likely done. But at least give them some stuff to do, instead on sitting on the floor" He shook his head.

"You're forgetting that this has been abandoned for over 90 years, other teens probably took a bunch of things. I mean, look at Puck, he stole an active ATM machine, so why not take a bunch of asylum products and sell them? That could have been what they'd all done." Mike pointed out.

"Maybe..." Finn slightly agreed.

Puck was about to back himself up, when all of a sudden there was a huge crash from above, then more crashes from above began, until it kept on getting louder and louder. Causing the boys to scream like 5 year old girls and sprint out of the asylum.


Santana and Quinn stood in the room, laughing their asses off, they didn't realise Mike, Finn, Sam and Puck would literally sound like little girls running from a spider. The two gave each other a high five, before walking out of the asylum themselves.

"Well, boys, that's exactly why you don't say where you're going" Santana laughed.

"I think that's the most fun i'd had in years!" Quinn laughed her ass off.

"Let's never bring this up to them" Santana laughed her ass off with Quinn.


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