A quick X Brittana wedding

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"Oh my god Brittany, that dress is perfect!" Tina told her friend who was soon to be getting married.

"I don't know, it doesn't really suit my style" Brittany shrugged, looking at herself in a mirror.

"It's okay. Pick something that's your style, a dress that you love". Rachel encouraged.

Brittany nodded and headed back into the changing room. Eventually she came out in gorgeous long white dress with short floral sleeves and a beautiful golden belt around her waist. She gave everyone in the room the look as to say 'This is the one'.

"This is definitely the one" Brittany proudly said.

"It's beautiful B!" Mercedes gushed over the white dress Brittany had chosen.


Meanwhile at another wedding shop.

"Santana, This dress doesn't even fit! Why did you pick the tightest one here for me to try on?!" Quinn shouted at her friend who was in the changing stall next to her.

"It looked good" Santana replied.

"Yes, but it doesn't fit". Quinn sighed. "I'll be back, i'm gonna go look for another dress" Quinn walked out of her changing stall to see her two friends- Kurt Hummel and Blaine Anderson- sitting on a chair on their phones.

After a full day of trying on dresses, Quinn and Santana finally found the dresses they wanted. Kurt helped the two girls with the outfits since he knows more about fashion than Blaine (he was trying his best). The four left the building, heading towards Blaine's car. The girls sat in the back while the boys were in the front.

"I can't believe we're having a double wedding! it's what we've always wanted!" Santana happily said.

"I know! It's like a dream come true" Quinn replied. "I wonder if Noah has picked a tuxedo yet?" She questioned.

"I'm sure he did, the boys would have helped him. Plus it's Puck, do you really think he's going to spend so much time looking at a suit?" Kurt replied.

"That sure does sound like him, although he said he was going to pick the nicest he could find, because he wanted that day to be special." Quinn smiled, looking down at her engagement ring.

"It will be special! It's a double wedding for crying out loud!" Santana placed a hand on her friends shoulder.


The days went by so fast, because the next thing they knew, the barn was filling up with family members and friends. Puck and the boys were in a room getting ready, while Quinn was in a room with her mother, sister, Kurt, and Mercedes. Santana had her mother, Tina and her Abuela. Brittany had Rachel, sugar and her mum. To be fair though, all the girls kept switching rooms to see each bridesmaid, except Kurt, he stayed with Quinn.

Everyone's parents left to go sit with everyone else, while the rest of the glee club who were chosen to be the bridesmaids and groomsmen went to their spots. Although it may be a little awkward, Mr. Schue was one of the groomsmen because of everything he's done for the glee kids. He was always (most the time) there for them, they wouldn't exactly call him a friend because that's too far, but he's kinda like their second dad, more of a dad to Puck than his real father was.

Mercedes and Artie started singing 'At Last', While Puck stood by them on the right. After a few lyrics Quinn started walking down the isle, along side her father. Everyone stood up and looked at her in awe, as she wore a gorgeous long white dress that went up to her ankles, and a beautiful vail on her head. She looked gorgeous and Puck was excited to be marrying her today. Quinn's father took her to Puck, handing her over to him while giving Noah a nod as to say 'Look after her'. Giving his daughter a kiss on the cheek, he left and went to sit with Quinn's mum.

A couple seconds later, Brittany was walking down the isle with her father. Again, everyone looked at the bridesmaid in awe. Brittany's father took her up near Quinn and Puck. Brittany handed her bouquet of flowers she was holding to her father to give to her mother. He gave her a hug while wiping a tear away, before heading back to his seat.

Not long after, Santana was walking down with her dad next to her. She was wearing a nice long white tight dress, with stunning white heals and a nice long vail covering the back of her head (As all the bridesmaids were). Santana's dad took her to her soon to be wife, giving the both of them a hug. All of their dads were so proud of their daughters, they were happy for them to have found someone they love.

Mercedes and Artie finished the song and everyone cheered. Burt (Because they chose him to be the priest) came up to do the vows.

"Very beautiful dresses ladies, and a nice tux Noah" He complimented. "Now, for the vows. Noah, repeat after me. I, Noah Puckerman, take you Quinn Fabray, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; until death do us part."

"Screw that, i do! One million times i do!" He happily said while the crowd chuckled.

"He just doesn't want to say it because he cant remember what was said" Santana winked to Quinn and Puck, causing the crowd to laugh even harder. Puck just nodded in agreement while chuckling.

"Alright! I'm not done" Burt proudly smiled. "Because you kids are in such a rush to get married, i'll keep this fairly short. Miss Quinn Fabray, do you take Noah Puckerman to be your lawful wedded husband?"

"I do" Quinn gave Puck the warmest smile.

"Brittany.S.Peirce, do you take Santana Lopez to be your lawful wedded wife?"

"I do!" Brittany quickly replied.

"Santana Lopez, do you take Brittany.S.Peirce to be your lawful wedded wife?"

"I do" Santana calmly replied.

"I now pronounce yous, Husband and wife" He looked to Quinn and Puck. "And wife and wife" He looked to Santana and Brittany. "You may kiss the bride!" Burt announced, everyone clapped for the newly married couples, while they kissed their partner.

This was probably the best wedding ever for them! I mean they got to marry the person they truly loved with every one of their family supporting them. Everyone danced and ate a whole bunch too! Best day for the two newly married couples.

(Sorry if there's a few things wrong in there. I don't know much about weddings ^^;;)

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