II. Embarrassed

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Anthony's P.O.V

I just stared at the front door and hand on the knob. I sighed and stayed in that position for about 2 minutes. "Do I have to?" I thought. I was about to walk away when I remember I can't leave Molly. I sighed and walked in. Immediately my father looks pissed holding his cigar. "This isn't gonna go well..." I thought. "What is it this time!?" I said wrathfully. He broke his cigar. "See you are aways jumping into conclusions!"

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. He looked back at his newspaper lighting another cigar. Ryker just looked at me. I stuck my tongue out walked towards him to Molly's room. "Hey, Mollz!"



Appearance: Molly has a very similar appearance to Anthony. She wears a black coat with yellowish stripes and underneath a white and hot pink ( still vertical) stripes that are a v neck. She also has very poofy balayage blonde hair with pink highlights. She wears high heels that are adding to her height even though she doesn't need the extra height. (Yes I know heels do that., that's what they are for, its called elaborating.)

Personality: Molly's personality is very simplistic. She is very sweet and peppy. She is the most sensitive and caring human being. She doesn't like to disobey or argue, she is done what she is told. She thinks everything is cute and is just an all-around loving person.

Relationships: Molly and his twin brother have a pretty solid relationship. They rarely got into fights and they always stand up for each other. Ryker was always an asshole, but he didn't pick on Molly as much as he did with Angel. She and her father have a weird relationship. Her father hates her but also loves her. Molly does not know how to feel towards this.


She got up from taking a nap. "Hey, Tony! Also, I told you I don't like that name." I chuckled. I sighed and my smile quickly ebbed. "Anyways I just wanted to see how you were before I went to go hang out with a friend." She sat up. "Well, I'm gonna hang out with Charlotte and Vagatha later." I sat down next to her. "Yeah, me and Alastor might join." Her smile became bigger. "What?" She just smiled at me. She really pisses me off when she does this. "It's not like that, besides he's a guy," I said as my heart punched itself. "Come on, you have to be gay! You broke up with all your girlfriends, and none of those relationships lasted for more than a week!" My face became red. "I wanna tell her. But I'm not ready, I know she'll accept it... but I'm not ready."

"It's not like that!" Her smile turned smug. "W-Whatever!!" I said throwing both of my arms above my head. And I stormed out. When I was about to leave he threw his lighted cigar at me as I walked out. "Oh, merda! Cazzo - perché!?" (Oh shit! Fuck - why !? Side note, in this story Anthony is gonna speak in Italian a lot.) That almost burned my hair. I looked at my coat and there was a burn mark. "Dannazione! Mi piace questa giacca." (Damn! I like(d) this jacket.)

I saw Alastor staring at me with his creepy smile. "What are you smiling at?" I said putting on my coat walking towards him. "Nothing. Just how realizing arrogant you can be." I rolled my eyes and punched his shoulder. "Let's just go." Alastor was just telling jokes the whole way. "I wanna kill myself." He laughed at my comment towards his jokes. "That's what my brother said before he died!" And he laughed again. "Wow, you're dark." He looked away but I could see his smile become more sly.

Alastor P.O.V

Anthony is always so weird but in a good way. I barely made eye contact with him. I felt uneasy after he saw me with blood. "Sooo... Everything's fine?" Anthony randomly asked which caught me off guard. "Uh...Yes! Everythings fine dear." Anthony didn't seem to believe me but he shrugged it off. "What'cha wanna do today?" He asked as he ran ahead and turned around. "What do you want to do?" He stopped for a minute. "Anthony? Anthony dear?" He shook his head as his eyes fluttered. "Y-Yeah!" Is he ok? He just stopped for no reason and he looked worried.

Angel's normal smile appeared. "You wanna see Molly, Charlotte, and Vagatha?" I stopped for a half-second and continued walking looking down. "Vagatha.... I have a strong feeling she doesn't like me..." I thought. "Something wrong?" Anthony asked and I quickly looked up. "No dear," I said trying to hide any other emotion. I think showing emotions are a sign of weakness.

We quickly saw them hanging out downtown. "Molly!" Anthony ran up to his sister. I continued to walk not in a hurry to see them. I could notice Vagatha was giving me and Anthony a death stare. All I did in return was smile and wave which seemed to make her more pissed. "Hello, Vag-" I put my hand out but she pushed it away and interrupted me. "Just call me Vaggie."



Appearance: Vaggie had blonde hair but dyed it a greyish white. She wears a black tank top with a pentagram on it. And she wears black pants. Her appearance is an edgy/emo look. (If that helps) On her eye, she has a scar(s) that make an X when she closes her eyes.

Personality: She is very pessimistic. She is not warm, she is very rough and will do anything to do the best for her. But when it comes to her girlfriend (Charlotte or Charlie) she is very kind and sweet. When she doesn't like someone she will make rude remarks to them and ignore them. Even with all this, she is very sensible but hot-headed/ short temper.

Relationships: Not much is known for her family. But her girlfriend is Charlotte or what she prefers to be called by Charlie. She obviously doesn't like Alastor and Anthony. With Anthony its all the vulgar remarks that she finds disgusting and how he is always hiding how he feels. With Alastor, she doesn't really know him but she feels like something is off with him.


Appearance: Her outlook is a little confusing. She has balayage blonde hair much like Molly, but with very light peach highlights. She wears a dress suit but a little less formal than a normal dress suit. And black pants with boots. She dresses like a transgender female. (Man who turns into a female.) If that helps.

Personality: She is very sweet and naive. And very peppy, optimistic and passionate for anything and everything she does. Despite that, she calls herself a failure and thinks that everything is her fault.

Relationship: Her father is said to be mean and never impressed by Charlotte's achievements. And her girlfriend Vagatha calls him "A ruler of an underworld" if there was one. (Hell does not exist because Lucifer has not died yet, therefore, hell does not exist- just roll with it.) Her mother is always to busy to spend time with her daughter but when she does she is always proud of her. Vagatha rarely, and I mean rarely fight. And Vagatha always tries to help her make the right decisions.


Anthony hugged Molly, and then Charlotte. But Charlotte tried to hug back but Anthony didn't like that, "Charlotte, we talked about this. I don't like that." But he did not hug Vagatha- Vaggie. "Hey, Vags!" She rolled her eyes. "Who is this?" Charlotte said looking at me. "Oh, him! This is my childhood friend, Alastor." I put my hand out. "It's a pleasure to meet you." Instead of shaking my hand like I wanted she hugged me. "Oh...Heh.." I said looking to the side. I don't know what to do when people touch me.

Vagatha walked towards us. "Ok, that's enough babe." She had an annoyed look on her face. I sighed when she ran over to talk to Vagatha. "Anthony... Do you want me to leave?" I said because it was getting awkward. His eyes widened. "N-No!" But quickly covered his mouth. I saw Molly smirk and cover her mouth slightly trying not to laugh, and I tilt my head. "I-I...." Was all he could stutter. "Uh-ah! Nevermind!!" His face completely red and ran away.

Molly shook her head with a big smile. And Vagatha paid no attention, and Charlotte just smiled with a shine in her eyes. I looked back and followed him walking. He couldn't run that fast in boots with heels. He sat behind a tree and his hands over his red face. "Anthony dear..?" He quickly removed his hands from his face and stared straight for a second and quickly turned towards me. "I-UGH!" His face was so completely red now. He put his head on his knees and curled up in a ball. "Anthony... Is everything fine?" He let out a sigh and looked at me. "I-I don't know anymore!" I wasn't expecting that. He usually can deal with anything. I sat down next to him, I didn't know what to say. I'm not used to helping people. "I-" I stopped to think. "I'm.... Here for you..." I said struggling to get it out. He raised his head slowly and smiled a little.

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