III. Somethings Wrong

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I'm so sorry for being away! I have had writer's block but I tried to fright through it. I'm so sorry it took that long it will probably take just as long for the next one I'm sorry I've just had writer's block. (More info at the end)

A little gory(It's not bad but I know people are very squeamish.)

Anthony's P.O.V

I was just banging my head on my desk. "I fucking have feelings for him!" I could feel my face getting red. I stopped because I knew if I continued my dad would run in and beat my ass. I looked around my desk and I saw a picture of me and Al in our treehouse. I smiled at this picture. I hate having feelings for him! Molly walked in and I threw the picture on the floor. "Tony? You ok?" I rolled my eyes. "No, I'm not. As you can see by how sad I am." There was a pregnant pause. "Of course I'm fine! How fucking stupid are you!?" And I put my head back on my desk.

She sighed and I heard her walk out. I put my head on my arms that were on the desk. I then looked out the window thinking that maybe I can find solace in that. Except, I find solace in hanging around people, "I'm a huge extrovert." I thought sarcastically. "Does Al like that I act like that?" My face turned red and I jumped on my bed and covered my face with my pillow. I see the drugs that I left on my desk. My body is saying I should do it, but I don't wanna.

I decided to take a walk. I have to jump out of my window if I don't wanna be beaten up. I sigh and look around. I see posters for people who have been missing. I decided to read some of them because I'm bored, what could go wrong? "26-year-old James Woods skeleton found after being "missing" for 2 weeks..." James Woods is an adult whom I do not like. A couple more blocks down I saw another poster. "16-year-old Emma Wright was missing for 6 days till someone found the bottom part of her body. With the top half missing except one finger has been found..." She was a cheerleader at Molly's school. (Molly's school goes to 9th- "16th" grade) At the next stoplight, I saw another poster. "20-year-old Cameron Andrez football team for Faber College body found decapitated..." Cameron was the jock that tried to fight me 2 days ago. I started to get anxious and I looked around to make sure nobody was near me.

I started walking again but getting very paranoid. I could hear someone walking behind me but when I looked back there was no one. I started walking faster and I heard the footsteps walk faster. I started to run but stopped when I heard the footsteps stop. I turned around saw no one, and I looked back and saw Cherilyn. "AH!" I screamed kicking her and jumping backward. "What the fuck Cherri!?" She titled her head. "What the fuck you mean?"


Appearance: Cherilyn was born with Anophthalmia, and not only that she was born with red eyes. She has a black eye patch decorated with a cherry, to cover her missing eye. She has blonde hair, with pink and white accents, and she puts her hair in a ponytail. She also has freckles like Anthony. Cheerlyin has tattoos on her right arm. She wears a red crop top with the shoulders off, tattered red shorts, and red boots.

Personality: She is very bawdy just like Anthony. Being athletic and strong is something that gives her confidence. She was and is always destructive. (Which she gets in trouble for a lot.) She's very ambitious especially with sports and is very competitive.

Relationships: We don't know much about her family or if she even has one. But Anthony was and still is Cherilyn's best friend. She doesn't know how to feel about Alastor, except that if he hurts Anthony Cherilyn will fight him even if it costs her life. And she knows that Anthony will do the same for her.


I sighed and helped her up. "Cherilyn you know not to sneak up on me!!" She snickered and adjusted her eye patch. "Sorry, bud you just kept looking back and I was jumping on the roof following you but then you started running." I rolled my eyes and punched her shoulder. "So... Why were you so anxious?"

I sighed. "Did you not re-" I stopped myself. "I mean..." The reason I stopped is that Cherilyn usually doesn't read. Not because she can't she doesn't want to, she just doesn't like reading; kind of ironic because she is a very fast reader. "I was reading the missing posters." She looked around. "Mmmm... I guess there are a lot." She punched my shoulder. "ANYWAYS." She said. "Let's do something fun." I looked at her with a smile. "I know what you're talking about."

Alastor's P.O.V

I was just sitting on a bench listening to the radio and reading a newspaper when I heard laughing. I looked up from my newspaper and saw Anthony and Cherilyn. "What are you trouble makers up to?" I chuckled. Anthony stopped dead in his tracks. "I-um.." Anthony's body was stiff. He turned around and walked away.

I was confused. "Why is he acting like this...?" Cherilyn watching him walk away in a stiff manner and looked back at me. And then I guess something hit her and she facepalmed and slid her body down the wall. "Dear, are you ok?" She at me with bo- one of her eyes. She started to chuckle. "You really don't understand, do you?" I tilted my head giving her a hand. She started to laugh more.

She looked at me for a while. "You know Anthony likes you right?" She said laughing again after looking at me. I was so confused and barely made out what she said. "But he's not gay..." She shook her head with a smile. "Just because he denies doesn't mean it's not true." I looked at her for a second.

She could tell I was conflicted and worried. Not for myself, for Anthony. She put her hand on my shoulder. "But I wouldn't know.. I'm just sayin' ya' don't have to believe me...." I shook my head. "Well, thanks for telling me anyways dear!" She waved at me and walking away said, "Call me Cherilyn!" I had a thought and ran after Cherilyn. "Um, dea- Cherilyn... Can you do this..."

Nobody's P.O.V

Cherilyn scared Anthony by yelling "Hey fucker!" In his window when he wasn't looking. "CHERRI WHAT THE FUCK!" She chuckled. "Well better shut up or you won't be able to go." Anthony tilted his head in confusion. "If you keep screaming your dad come in and beat both of our asses." My smile from laughing had disappeared. "Anyway, you need to go to The Spot." Anthony's eyes fluttered. "How do you kn-" She shushed me, aggressively. "ShHSHHSHSHsh! Just go!"

At The Spot (Just A Note, it ain't gonna play out how you think. Trust me. (At least this chapter.))

Anthony walked to the spot, reluctantly. He said he wouldn't go till Cherilyn answered all his questions. But Cherilyn grabbed Anthony by the jacket and go him out the window. He saw Alastor sitting there. "Nonononono!" He thought.

"Anthony.." Alastor said never letting a smile leave his face. "Darling sit." Anthony walked slowly over and sat. "Are you ok?" Alastor asked. Anthony had his hands on his legs fiddling with them and looking at them. "Yep, everything is fine..." Alastor put his hand over both of Anthony's. "Stop lying." Alastor said in a tone Anthony had never heard before.

"I-" Tears started to form in Anthony's eyes. Anthony let out a sigh to keep them back. "Alastor I have something to tell you.." Anthony said pushing Alastor's hand away. "I guess... I can tell you something too..." Anthony sighed, he was hesitating. "Alastor..." Anthony looked away from him. "I'm gay..." Alastor sighed. Alastor put his hand back on Anthony's. "Thank you for telling me, Darling."He sighed looking away. "Although, my thing... Is more daunting.." Alastor said looking forward. "I never thought I would tell anyone..." Anthony just stared at Alastor. "What was he talking about?" Anthony thought. "I'm probably gonna regret this later-" He said but shook his head. "Actually... I trust you." Alastor said his smile getting better but still never looking at Anthony. "Anthony...Dear..." He sighed. "I'm-" He winced at the thought of telling Anthony. "I'm...A cannibal..."Interesting..." Someone whispered behind the trees.

"Interesting..." Someone whispered behind the trees.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*A Question and Info(Even though I know people don't read these) *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Hello, thanks for tuning in!


So if you read the top you know I have writer's block right now. (It's been like this for a while) I have ideas and a storyboard for the story, but I haven't had the motivation, my co-writer, Kai has been busy with family and other personal things. So I am sorry that we can't get things out.
I have been working on an animation, 2 books and having writer's block for both. And not only that I have had art block. But anyways enough with my complaining.

Question(Important to my followers I guess :/)

So while having writer's block instead of writing I've been reading fanfiction. And not just fanfiction on Hazbin Hotel(Well I did) but on other fandoms as well. Originally my account was gonna be just for Hazbin Hotel because it came out on my birthday and I thought I was special *cOUgh* anyways, I've been thinking of writing other fandoms I'm into. I just wanna know if you guys would be fine with me writing on other fandoms.

Thank you for tuning in, that will be all for today. End.


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