I. Agitated

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Anthony P.O.V

“You wanna say that again?” The man below me was on the verge of death, he shook his head. Alastor was behind me. “What the fuck! You scared me!” He chuckled. I don’t know why he’s laughing that actually scared me. “Angel, it’s only the beginning of the day. And you’ve almost killed someone.” I rolled my eyes. “Whatever.” I stepped on the man’s stomach and walked with Alastor to the bathroom.

He got out a cloth and started to clean the blood off me. “Why did you do it this time?” He questioned, I feel like he knows. “He asked me why I’m so feminine…” I looked away, exasperated. “Was today a bad morning at home?” I nodded. He is the only one who knows what happens at my house. I mean excluding my family.

He was cleaning blood off my left arm when “Ow!” I yelped. He smiled at this. “Stop smiling it hurts!” He shook his head and stopped. He took off my coat, which isn’t even white at this point. It was my wound from my father and Ryker. “You know you don’t have to do this…” I said. It was kinda uncomfortable for him to be doing this, ya know him being the most powerful student at this campus, caring for me.

“Stay here I left my bandages in my backpack. Didn’t think you’d get in a fight this early in the morning.” I rolled my eyes, he really is a tease. I guess I should be happy to have someone like him. I heard a chatter outside, I peak to see what was going on and it was a fight with the two athletic boys, I couldn’t make them out though, only that they were the athletic boys. “Typical,” I say under my breath. I walk back in sitting on the sink counter. 

Soon the two jocks walk in. One of them happens to be Pearson, I hate Pearson.

Note: If you have better names for the characters please share! I might use them I might not, depends.

Pearson (Sir Pentouis):

Appearance: He has long black hair, which surprisingly doesn’t get in the way when he’s playing sports. (I mean I know dudes who are like that and me over here: *Hair all up in face* Ok back on topic.) He is tall and sorta buff.

Personality: He is sly, sporty, persistent, flamboyant, and a jackass. He is one to be very pompous and proud of his work. Not everyone likes him, but he has his fair share of people who do. People say he is like a snake, which most people can see what they mean.

Relationships: Not much is known except that he has an unknown crush, and that Anthony hates him.

“Yeah, I can’t believe they think we fight each other.” They laughed. “So you don’t?” I say with a sly smile. They froze for a second. “Ugh, this bitch.” Pearson comments. “Why don’t you leave?” Said Pearson’s friend. Like I’m gonna listen. I rolled my eyes swinging my legs back and forth even though they basically hit the ground.

“Get out before I make you.” Pearson’s friend said. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. He ran at me. Another fight? It’s only been 10 minutes. I stopped him and threw him on the ground. “I’m not in the mood,” I said. I’m really not. 

Alastor walks in after some time. “Come on? Another fight?” He said. My eyes widened. “Uh… No! He ran at me! What was I supposed to do!?” He shook his head. “Dodge it.” I looked down. They ran out.

“We need to hurry class starts soon.” I didn’t feel like going to class… “There you’re all cleaned up!” He grabbed my arm. “Come on! It’s passing period.” I made him let go. “Sorry Al! Not feeling it!” He looked annoyed. “Are you skipping again?” I nodded and ran off.

Alastor’s P.O.V

Anthony is so not gonna graduate. I can’t dwell on this, I need to go to class. I made it just in time. I sighed and lay back in my seat. “What am I going to do with him…” I thought.


I look around to find Anthony. I see he has got into another fight. I walk over push down his opponent step on his stomach and drag Anthony by his coat. He huffed. “Why are you so agitated today?” Anthony’s hair covered his eye and he blew it away never making eye contact with me. “Anthony.” He became tense. “I don’t wanna talk about it.” I heard dripping and noticed blood was dripping from his hand. I started to crave something but shook my head. He noticed this. “It’s not mine.” I looked up at his face. “Also are you good? You looked hungry…?” Anthony said. I got a little embarrassed but shook it off and my regular smile. “Yes, everything is fine!” 

He looked at me for a second and rolled his eyes. I hate it when he does that. “I’m really not in the mood today... “ I titled my head, somethings bothering him. I don’t know what’s wrong with me… I don’t care about anyone! “I-I’m gonna skip,” Anthony said as he ran away. That confused me… He usually doesn’t stutter or run! “I’ve already got all of the important things out of the way…” I thought. I ran after him, but I didn’t want him to notice.

He stopped running and sighed. He looked up and was looking at his house. I hid behind the tree, he put his back to the door. “Cazzo sta iniziando a bruciare!” (Translation: Fuck is starting to burn!) He said something in Italian. He held his body and walked inside. I stood near the door. It was quiet for a few minutes but then I could hear screaming… Things were being thrown… I could feel someone get thrown at the door I ran back to the tree. I saw Anthony walked outside with bruises, his coat ripped, blood, and he was crying. “Stupido! Stupido! Non avrei mai dovuto tornare!” (Translation: Stupid! Stupid! I should never have come back!) He yelled at himself in Italian again. He sat near his house holding his necklace/choker and hugging his knees. I sighed, I can’t let him know I followed him when he wasn’t looking I ran away. I was actually getting hungry- what time was it? 11:12? I have time.

Nobody’s P.O.V

Anthony wanted to talk to Alastor. It always made him feel better. He walked back to the spot Anthony and Alastor go to chat. Angel didn’t care how long he had to wait, he just wanted to talk. Alastor decided to walk by the spot where they chat, but he still had blood on his mouth. Anthony looked back because he heard movement. “Al? Is that you?” Alastor froze, he didn’t think he would see Angel or anyone! “Uhh- Yes!...?” There was a slight hint of perplexity in his voice. “Is that blood?” Alastor wiped it away. “I-” He looked at the injured Anthony and his massacre ran because of crying. “I just got into a fight…!...?” Anthony looked confused. “But you…” He sighed and looked straight ahead. “Nevermind…”

Alastor sat down next to Anthony. “So what happened to you?” He knew, he just wanted to get the topic off him. “Umm… I got into another fight…?” He said looking away. “With whom?” Anthony didn’t answer. Alastor sighed. “It’s fine….” He could see Anthony was bothered. “You were here…. So you wanna talk about something?” Anthony looked back and put his head on Alastor’s lap. “A-Anthony!?” Alastor never liked people touching him or hugging him, or any touchy things. Anthony looked into Alastor’s eye and put his hand on his cheek. “Al…” Anthony was sincere for the rest of their talk.

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